This is flippin CRAZY
I agree 100% it is a
day here today also. I was awakened by the thunder, then the phone telling me we have a 2 hour delay today. Darn I hate those 2 hr delays, but low and behold an hour later they call the whole day as cancelled school.
Bummer now I have to stay home and look at this dirty house
Ok I can't just look at it I am going to have to clean it. Yuck
I hate house work, maybe that is why it looks like it does.
I am planning on going to Rockford Ill. tomorrow so I hope the roads are ok by then. Of coarse with the roads like they are today I won't get a very early start tomorrow because I will have to do everything I planned to do today while in town before I can leave.
Who ever said living in Iowa in the winter was fun is
as a loon. Hope your kids are good for you today, knowing you, you will have some fun things to do with them today.
I want to go visit my folks in Texas for the next month of crazy Iowa weather. Want to go with me? We can get a nice tan.

Yeah I will ask hubby if I can roadtrip to Texas with ya
I think you might be okay getting to Rockford.....the usually keep highways pretty clean.....if nothing else just take it super slow....what kind of car do you drive? Are you going to take HWY20 at all???? I live RIGHT OFF of 20, seriously 2 minutes from 20.......Enjoy your day off of house is clean, but I am guessing not for long with the kids home
Take Care

I hate snow! It's days like this I wish I didn't have to go to work & could just stay home. I also wish I worked days as it's gonna be much worse this afternoon when I need to go & who knows what it will be like at midnight. Cough, cough, I think I'm coming down with something. Oh, can't do that.
Speaking of work, I mentioned that my job is going to be outsourced sometime this summer so I have been watching for internal job postings. Well, tomorrow I have an interview. Wish me luck. I'll need lots of it. It's in a totally different field than I work now & I don't have all the qualifications but maybe I'll be lucky. I suspect it will also come with a drop in pay. I know what you're thinking, "Why would she want to take a job that doesn't pay as well?" I know it seems strange but it would mean not having to lose my job completely & then having to hit the streets to find something. Also CUNA is the best place for a woman to work in all of Bremer county. I'd have to drive to Waterloo to find another job. I hate that commute. But most importantly, I won't be gambling on my health insurance. My present one can't pull the pre-existing clause on any problems I may have caused (according the them) by my WLS. I just saw what my insurance paid the hospital for my gall bladder removal, well over $14, 000 & that didn't include the surgeon. I know that most insurance companies would say the gallbladder problems were caused by the rapid weight loss & refuse to cover it. Having that peace of mind would go a long way toward accepting less money.
So, Jesi, STAY HOME!! Enjoy your day with the kids. (Spoken by one who has no children at home to drive me crazy.) And keep me in you thoughts.
I LOVE thundersnow!!!!! OK, I love snow in general! Ice, I could live without. We've already made homemade play dough and the kids have been playing with it for over an hour.
I think we'll break out the paint later on and let them good nuts with that for awhile - or finger paint - they've been asking for that lately.
This evening, I will venture out to the grocery store, only because it's about two blocks away. I have bday cakes to be made.
I have no idea when I'll have the time, but if I at least have the ingredients...

I will safe a little prayer for you anyday
And I don't think taking a paycut is crazy at all......I would much rather be at a place I know, and like, that has good insurance!!! Those qualitys are hard to find in a job. Plus the decrease in pay would probably even out if you were having to spend extra gas going to and from W'loo anyways. I think you smart to wanna stay on!!!! And wishing you luck
I always worry about my husband getting outsourced......seems to be the thing to do these days....everything is so much cheaper in other countries
sad! But he is working on his he would have something else to fall back on. And his company is actually doing really well right now.....but outsourcing is always a VERY real possibility for big companies. You might not have the exact qualifications...but you do have the time there, and they know your skills and abilitys and sometimes employers like to stay with what works, and what works good~Dixie~ Take Care
P.S. drive safe tonight