What do I do now?
I have been getting very bad headaches. Went to the doctor today, and they weighed me, (I HAVE GAINED 10 pounds). I can't believe I have. But anyway, the doctor tells me the headaches are caused from stress. Well, I can see where the stress is coming in, but they are telling me that there's not 1 pain reliever that will help with my pain. Except that I could try Imitrex, which they didn't have any samples of, but I had one left from my other doctor.
I'm trying to stay positive. I know Cindy, I need a kick in the rear end. So I went to the grocery store to get groceries for my grandfather. I picked up some cottage cheese, beef bologna, and some crackers. I thought I would go back on some cottage cheese. I need and want to loose more weight, Because I'm scared that I'm going to gain everything back. Any advice will be very helpful. I also need to go the Y more. I'm going to make myself go at least Monday through Friday.
Need to get to my homework, before my headache starts in.
Love you all
Lisa Young
Thats true.....tension/stress/cluster headaches.....there isn't pills that help them really. You have to relax and take care of yourself. I too have imitrex (used to get migraines) but it doesn't help much with tension headaches and it is spendy. Get back to eating the cottage cheese, walk, or do your gazelle thing, exercise will help with all that stress.....drink lots of fluids too......Other than that, not sure what else you can do. Hang in there.......hope you start to feel better soon....Take Care

No kick in the butt today, you need a big old hug instead.(((((((HUG))))))
I hate you are having to deal with headaches along with everything else you have to deal with these days.
It is good you have your grandpa to focus on sometimes, that can help instead of hinder your progress.
Get that protein and water in. That will help tremendously. It is so easy to go back to the old habits when we are stressed. After all that makes us feel so much better while we are eatting. Not afterwards though. You need a hobby that will keep your mind and hands busy instead of grazing. I am just guessing here but that is what helps me. Girlfreind I just have to get you fixed, it is my goal. I'm a fixer you see, and that is my downfall. (one of many) You have the right idea with the exercise and the cottage cheese, but it is not easy to stay on this path without encouragement. The exercise may help with the stress also though. I am terrible, I don't exercise at all and it is going to catch up with me one of these days. I can already tell I am not as strong as I used to be.
Take a nice hot bath, when you first feel a headache coming on. Get a book, some bath salts, and a few candles sit in the tub and don't think of anything. I tell you what, I am going to Rockford Ill this weekend give me your address I want to send you a care package and we will chase those headaches away. There are some really neat stores in Rockford I am sure I can find something to send you to pick up your spirits. I am real slow at getting things in the mail so it will be a few days before it arrives but look for it in about a week.
We are having a lot of ice here today and I didn't have work, I hate not having work, I would rather be there than home and seeing all the house cleaning I need to do here. I thought about baking but I need to go to grocery store first and I live 10 miles from town so that isn't going to happen.
Well girlfreind I will leave you for now. Know I love ya and am praying for you daily to get healthier. (((((((HUG)))))))))
are you making sure to get enough water? dehydration can cause wicked headaches...also, not eating enough protein can do it too. My son is sensitive to the msg found in processed meats and hot dogs...just some suggestions...
Try a nice hot bowl of chicken soup, and a long uninterupted nap...here's a recipe for chicken soup...
3 chicken breasts, chopped into bite sized pieces
1lb carrots, chopped
2C chopped celery
1chopped zucchini
1 chopped yellow squash
1 chopped potato
2 onions chopped
2T pepper
2 T italian seasoning
3T jmaison's chicken soup base (in a jar in soup aisle at Hy Vee)
1/2 C white rice uncooked
boil 8-10 C water, add chicken and spices and rice, boil til chicken is white and rice is tender. Add carrots, celery and 1 onion. coo****il carrots are tender, about 15 min. Add remaining veggies. Cook and additional 10 min. Serve hot with saltine crackers.
This is SO good...I have this like 3 times a week...my hubby and son are sick to death of it, but it makes me FEEL good....
Hope you feel better soon!!