I meet the surgeon on March 3!!
Well I get to meet my surgeon on March 3 . I cant believe how fast this went I only had my first app. on Feb. 10. I still cant have the surgery until May 10 or so. That is my school break. I am still excited. I have been following the diet they gave me and have already lost 2 lbs. I have read most of your profiles, they really help alot. I still am working on finding a protein drink. Well thanks for listening to me ramble on. I better go study for my physy. test.
Thanks, Bobbie
Great, glad to hear things are moving right along for you.
I wouldn't worry to much about finding a protein drink yet, your tastes will change tremendously. You may find something you like now and after surgery it won't taste to good. But it doesn't hurt to get some samples ahead of time.
What are you going to school for. I have forgotten if you have told us before. I don't have a very good memory, my kids give me a hard time about it all the time.
Well let us know if we can answer any questions or support you in any way. We will look forward to hearing more from you.
May 10th or so will be here before you know it! It is an awesome journey.....sometimes fast, sometimes SUPER SLOW.....but in the end, it is all worth it! I too wouldn't worry about the protein powders yet, you have a long time, and your taste will change afterwards.....The best thing you can do is go to a place like bariatriceating.com and order samples. You can get stuff at GNC, but I never cared for it. Stop by more
Take Care and wishing you the best