Good morning!
Grey's Anatomy...OMG...that show is SO is such a doll! this is definitely a series I will buy on DVD!
You know, jesi, I know what you mean about jason's weight dh has also gained at least 50 lbs! probably 25 or so since us being pregnant!
Give me a call sometime... 712 830 8562 we can swap ideas on how to help them lose this...or just chat...with the new baby, I am always home...can use some "adult chatter" if you know what I mean!!

What's his face is Alex. I love Grey's Anatomy too! Don't ever bother me at 9PM on Sunday! Of course, I love Desperate Housewifes too.
My hubby has gained wt also. And it's really bad for him since he has a heart condition. I just give up even saying anything. Obviously, I couldn't do it, so I don't have any right to say anything. I just try to cook healthy. I can't control what he puts in his mouth after supper.