Good morning!
How is everyone this fine Monday morning? Today is supposed to be a full moon
I am good. Nothing new to report really. I am healing great. My parents decided to come here this weekend, so we didn't go to C.C. Today is a school day for my girls (all except the little one, I think she has an ear infection
) And I am gonna just hang low with her and do some house work. Yesterday we took the girls to Curious George, it was cute.....they had a good time. We were planning on going to Happy Joes for Valentines day because they make heart shaped pizza and we are babysitting a neighbor girl.....but Jason is so bummed with himself and really wanting to lose some I think we will stay home and I will make him a nice healthy meal. I lost a lot of weight, and he found it all
Since my surgery he has put on a good 50lbs and is miserable....I feel bad for him, but it is silly for me to give him advice and expect him to stick with a "diet" when I never could!!!! He won't go to WW or anything like that.....he will stick with like adtkins if I do all the cooking/preparing......I think I need to do it for his sake tho.....then SLOWLY incorporate the good complex carbs. So thats what I am up too! Anyone elses hubby or SO gain weight? How did you deal with it or help them? I am at a loss, but he gets more bummed lately, and I hate it! Well everyone have a GREAT day.....tonight we will be making out Vday stuff for all the girls to take to school (nothing like waiting until the last day huh?)! Does anybody watch Grays Anatomy? I so love that show,last night was great and I can't wait till next week.....I think it is my fave show in a LONG time. If you haven'****ched it, check it out! Have a great week.....Take Care

Morning Jesi & all
Not much going on here, work, work, work!! I have to go over to dad's & make some window runners for him so will do that this morning. Waiting impatiently for my tax return, have my eye on a chevy blazers s10. I've been haunting the bank!! My weight is at a stand still has been for sometime. Hopefully will be able to get the tt, soon as I get something decent to drive will be able to make an appt with the PS. He's in Ft Dodge, 2 hours away from me & the old van just won't make the trip.
Katie has been the one gaining weight. Long as she takes her thyroid pills she cuts back on her eating but if she forgets she can't stuff herself enough. Just don't know what to do with her! With me working nights I can come home to see what she's binged on.
No plans for V-day here, my x & I were married that day! Figured he would never forget the day
he never remembered until I filed for divorce!! MEN!
Other than that no news here. Everyone have a good day.

Good morning all. Today I finally get to eat some food. I had cream of wheat and it was so-so. I think my taste buds are asleep. Still trying to take it easy but hey, I'm female and you know how you have to make sure the house is clean. I do a little bit and then sit down and rest. Not doing anything major. Just laundry, dishes, sweeping kitchen floor. I am now down 105 lbs. 8 of it since surgery. I am going to try to have a scrambled egg later. I am so afraid I will get sick. Am going to go slow. Cindy
I'm a little bummed out! I'm not understanding my Accounting, and the teacher has classes all morning. So, I'm trying to re-read the chapters and fighting off a headache. So I thought it was time to take a break.
I had packed the car at my parents and was ready to leave when I noticed I had a flat tire. Thank goodness I was still at home, because I didn't have my cellphone with me. I ended up taking my dad's car.
My grandfather has been out of breath, so he's going to the cardiologist this morning. He is 94. He says if he needs an operation he won't go through with it. He's ready to go. So, I've been thinking a lot about him lately.
I need a kick in the rear end, sometimes. I'm going to stay positive this week. I have to. I'm going to the Y tomorrow and Thursday.
Just wish someone was closer and we could go together.
Well, need to get back to my school work. I'm going to do better on these goals.
Take Care
Lisa Y
You have my sympathy as far as accounting goes. I went back to school 6 years ago & accounting was my least favorite class. My major required 3 semesters of it so I changed majors after I managed to get through the first one. Now, I realize I should have stuck with it but I really hated accounting.
Hang in there but do get help as soon as possible.
Hi Jesi,
We don't seem to celebrate holidays much. Al is an old fuddy duddy that way & after a few years of feeling sorry for myself, I decided it was just another day & to get over it. Early on, he'd pick a fight with me around Feb 1 & stay mad for a few weeks. That way he got away with doing nothing for our anniversary (4th), my birthday (6th), & Valentines Day. He was really a creep back then at times. But it's not really his fault. He learned it all from his parents. I'm still thinking of a way to celebrate our anniversary, although a bit late. It was 35 years so probably should do something. I'm considering a night away, which we never do, but I suspect that what I have in mind would give him a heart attack! But he'd die happy!
Have you noticed that knowing your body looks better changes your attitude?
I don't know how you young mothers do it! Grandaughter Emilee, got sick for the first time on Saturday. I was babysitting & have the distinction of being the first person that she vomited on. She never spits up so this mess was a real surprise. It shot out at least a foot! Soon after followed a really icky diaper so it was obvious that something was up. About a half hour after I left Kerensa was on the phone. She had thrown up all over Daddy & they had called the pediatrician & were on their way to the ER. I guess she had just picked up a virus but I hardly slept all night long & I'm just the grandma! I'm calling in a bit to see how they are doing today. Boy, am I ever glad my kids are grown. I don't think I could handle all ths again.
I applied for a different job where I work on Thursday. My job is going away this summer sometime & because of insurance and because I really like where I work, I don't want to have to find another job somewhere else. I'm not fooling myself into believing I'll get the job, but I won't even be considered if I don't apply. My qualifications work for my department(Information Technology) but not for customer service, and that seems to be the only safe jobs there right now. So, I am busy studying for a certification test to prove I know customer service. It is SO BORING!!! Give me computers any day. The silver lining to the clouds is that if I don't find at job at CUNA, they are giving us a really nice severance package. Then, if I could find a different job quickly, that package woud nicely pay for one last plastic surgery procedure- maybe thighs or just a bunch of lipo on the thighs to deflate them???
I watched my diet carefully this weekend & am back down 1 1/2 lbs. That always feels good but I knw that I will bounce right back up again, even with being careful. Trying to lose this last 15 lbs is really depressing.
Ok, now about Grey's Anatomy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is my all time favorite & have not missed it yet. My DVD of the first year is on it's way from Amazon. I have such a crush on Derek. Those eyes!!! I just melt. I watch the show twice every Sunday. Yep, I tape it while watching it & then get on my Gazelle & watch again. It's got to be the way they tape it. When they show a closeup of him, it looks like he is looking right at you & talking to you & not Meredith (or dumb old Addison.
) Oh, last night when he described their last kiss.... I wanted to jump right into the TV (and onto him!!!). And George, isn't he just the sweetest. Funny, when I look at him I see my sons. They don't look at all the same but it must be that age part. I just want to hug him & last night when he was helping Bailey have her baby, was so cool. And Baily telling him to stop looking at her "va-gee-gee" I about feel off the couch. I really love the writing of this show. It's so neat how the music goes so well with the story & how the story goes full circle. Last week it started with George's erotic dream of the gals in the shower washing each other & last night the gals washed the "pink fog" off Meredith in the shower. They were so gentle & caring & George looks in but turns around & leaves. Enough of that, I'm heading back downstairs to my Gazelle & I think I'll watch again.
Take care, Jesi, & enjoy V Day!

I can tell it is a full moon. The students are all a little rowdy today. And I have a headache from h-!!. My grandson that is 8 was sick this weekend also which in a rotten way was nice because he and I got some quality time. He was willing to sit on Grandmas lap and be scratch-rubbed. Which is what he has called it since he was real little. I just rub my finger tips over his back or arms and it relaxes him. Needless to say Grandma was in heaven. He is getting so big though it is hard to hold him. He is a very big 8 year old. (weighs 101) Very tall also, about 2 heads taller than all his class mates. Grandpa wanted to know how much longer he thought he could sit on Grandma's lap and I told him as long as I had a lap he could sit on it.
Koal even got to sleep between Grandma and Granpa the 2 nights he was there. Talk about crowded, and a cover hog.
Our 3 year old got there Sunday and when it was time to go home threw a fit and didn't want to go home. That is a big change, he just started coming to our house and wasn't to excited the first few times to come. It is so nice being a Grandparent. It was great to have them but sure was nice last night to be able to watch Grays Anatomy. That and ER are the only 2 shows I care if I see. The rest that I watch is no big deal if I miss them. I don't know which character I like the most on Grays Anatomy. They all have their good qualities. It definatly keeps your intrest through the whole show. It is also one of very few my husband likes as well as me. Usually we spend the evenings in separate rooms watching different programs.
Sometimes I wonder how we have stayed together 23 years, when we like so few things alike. But thank goodness we have. He is very supportive for me.
Even if one Valentines Day I got a plunger with a balloon attached.
I loved it since he very rarely buys me anything on a holiday, he used to sometimes surprise me throughout the year with little gifts instead. USED to is the optimum word here.
Well hope you all have a great Week with a special VDay with someone special. Remember your children and grandchildren on Vday also.

Morning to you all.
For some reason, I feel like I can just jump into your conversations because I feel like I know you. That comes from lurking and reading all of your posts. I am still playing the waiting game but that's just because I am such a procrastinator! I have the form and started filling it out but my rememberer doesn't want to work. Some of the questions are mind boggling. Heck...sometimes I don't even remember what I had for supper the night before!! Maybe that's old age or probably more like a fog since I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I am currently unemployed which causes problems since we depended on it to make the house payments. We have 3 of our grandkids living with us so I am really more like a full time grandma. The 2 oldest are girls... 13 & almost 11.... so you can imagine the sibling rivalry. The little one, a boy..will be 7 in April. Our house is overloaded with toys, clothes, & love. We have 17 grandkids in all...just hope more of them do not decide to move in!!! Cindy, your grandson sounds like a big boy since the 13 yr old girl only weighs 74 and the 11 yr old weighs about 90. I seem to be the only one in the family who got the "big genes".
Lisa, I wish I could help you with your accounting. I have no college but I have always been able to make it without. I wish now, I had gone to college but in my younger days, it was more important that the boy in the family furthered his education as he was the one who had to make a living. Of course, that was in the stone ages and like my kids always say I learned to drive dodging dinosaurs! I am actually only about 25 miles from you. We will have to meet sometime soon.
I'm sorry to go on & on but like I said, I feel like I know you all. I have to get busy though since I promised my hubby that I would go thru my closets and get rid of some stuff. I have been keeping stuff thinking I'll fit into it someday. But he says if I'm getting a new body....get new clothes. NO guess I had better get busy. Have a great day!

Linda your hands are full. I wouldn't want to walk in your shoes. Over the last few years we have had a couple of our kids move back home for a short time and it has been hell. But I would do like you and take the grandkids in a min. if need be.
I am glad you came out of the shadows. I know that the decision to have WLS is a hard one, but it was the best decision for me. I cleaned my closets as I outgrew the clothes and haven't been sorry for a min. to get rid of my clothes, except the ones my mom worked so hard to sew for me just before surgery. I had a hard time just giving them to someone I didn't know. Oh well thats the way it goes. Hope who ever got them needed them and enjoys them.
Any way just wanted to welcome you and come back any time. We are here to help in anything you might need. I assume you are thinking of having surgery in Grinnell since you live so close is this right? I hear they now are doing some lap. Which will be nice. Well good luck with your grandchildren they are at that wonderful age.
Thanks Cindy!
Actually, I am going to Mercy Capitol in Des Moines to either Dr Smolik, Beck or Cahalan. My sleep dr prefers the surgery there and it is covered by my insurance. Not sure if Grinnell is. I'm about halfway between Grinnell and Des Moines but there's more shopping in DM!
Actually, the dr said with my co-morbidities, I need to be closer to all specialists.
It's just that darn paperwork. I'm hoping to finish up the form and get it in the mail tomorrow. But I'm watching my soap right now,kids will be home soon and tonight is Bingo! I will do it tomorrow. I just need some of you girls to keep nagging at me to get it done!
Thanks for your support.