A WOW moment
Okay, I'm almost 2 years out. I'm 5 pounds from goal and for the most part, still think I'm fat. My brain is slowly catching up to my body and today it took a big step that way. I got up early, put on a pair of exercise capris and a sports bra. I was going to go down and walk on the treadmill before getting ready for church. As I walked thru the bathroom to get a sweatshirt out of the closet, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. Dang! I'm SKINNY!!!!!! My brain finally registered that! 

I don't know if my brain will always know that now or if it's just a passing glimpse of what's to come, but for that brief moment, my body and brain were on the same page! It was great! The tummy tuck has definately helped nudge the brain in the right direction.

Good for you
Our minds are a tricky thing to try and figure out.....I quit a long time ago
How is the healing from the TT going? Is Fred staying calmer? I had a fluid episode Sat.....but realized I was doing way too much and took it easy Sunday, and all the fluid pretty much reabsorbed......thank goodness! I bet you do look pretty darn skinny
Take Care

Morning Lyn

Only pounds from goal you go girl
Wish I could say the same!! Mine wasn't in the mirror but at some pictures
I had to ask who that was! The brain doesn't catch up at all it seems. I'm going to see the same PS that Lynda S is going to. Just waiting for tax return to get a decent car so I'm able to go.
You keep up the good work.

Hey Lyn,
Good for you!! I know that my brain doesn't register until I catch a fleeting glance at myself, which is different than if I just stop and look in the mirror on purpose. Is that strange? When I look on purpose I still see fat and all the imperfections, but once in a while a quick peek while doing something else I see the "real" me.
That is great. I just love those wow moments. They come less and less the further out we get. But getting the mind to accept those moments is something else. I can see my upper body is skinny and I feel it being skinny but I feel like my lower body is still amazingly large. Oh heck it is just Fat!!!! and I am 20 lbs below goal. Go figure. I am so much smaller than I was but can't get my brain to accept that.
Hope you are healing good and not over doing it. Keep up the good work and enjoy those wow's. Cindy G.