Maybe It's an Ulcer?
Hello All
I am coming out of the lurking mode for some help, encouragement, and advice.
I have not been feeling very well for the last couple months. This lack of feeling well was complicated by a bad fall resulting in a broken rib. I have been seeing a gastro guy for gas, diarrahea, and such problems. I tested positive for lactose, glucose, and sucrose intollerance, which led to an additional test for bacterial overgrowth (which also came up positive).
In amongst all those tests I had some internal bleeding
going on and was hospitalized for a day to try and get that stopped and try to find out where and why I was bleeding. I was not smart enough to go straight to Dr. Glas****'s office (I didn't think being over 1 1/2 years out, it would have anything to do with my WLS). Well, thankfully my PCP was on the ball and got the gastro guy and Dr. G's staff all on board together to figure this thing out. They all agree that I could have an ulcer and need an endoscope ASAP. Angie (Dr. G's PA--Love that women!!) called me and got everything set up and I have the scope on Monday.
I am a little upset with my self for this, as I have proably done this to myself.
I have never dumped in the "true"
sense, as I can eat anything. However, I have been educated on dumping and my gas and diarrahea is a form of dumping. So, I guess I dump everyday several times. I didn't think it was dumping because I didn't get all the dumping symptoms.
I guess my advice to anyone who wants to listen is this.... just because you can eat something doesn't mean you should. I have not gained any weight but have not been able to lose the last 10 - 15 pounds. I don't eat much at any one time but eat anything and drink anything I want. I try to focus on protien first and then some veggies, but I will snack on what ever I want if I want. My cal. count is okay, but not low enough to lose those last few pounds. So it seems like I am doing the right things but when viewed closely I am sabatoging (sp?) myself. Now, I have to undergo this scope and see what is wrong inside.
So here are my new rules:
1. Call Dr. G first when anything is not right with the gastro-intestinal system.
2. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Example: Just because I can eat macho nachos should I? Just because I can drink a couple of glasses of wine, should I? These things have not caused me to gain weight back (yet!) but they surely have contribited to my problems.
3. Go back to what worked in the beginning. I am taking a step back and really looking at what I am eating and tracking it. I need to focus on protien and fiber and fluids (WATER!!!)
4. Get moving (yes I really move at work but there needs to be something more structered)
Thanks for letting me ramble, this is my way of holding myself accountable.

I'm sorry that you had to figure this all out the hard way, but very happy that you have figured it out! We are often our own worst enemies, aren't we? I can eat almost anything without problems. But should I? Absolutely not. But I'm human and once in a while, I try it. Then feel guilty, and vow never to do it again, only to repeat it again and again! It goes back to Adam and Eve, free will.
For the most part, I do eat correctly. I just eat more than I should. I started getting serious today. I have 5 pounds I would like to lose yet to get to my goal. I should be able to do that in 2 weeks if I am serious and follow my plan. In the greater scheme of things, 2 weeks is nothing. So why can't I do it? Who knows. Maybe this time, if I'm announcing for all the Iowa board to see, I will be able to do it. I'm going to be at goal by my birthday, March 2. There, I said it out loud. Now I have to do it!
Anytime you need a good swift kick, we all will be happy to do that for you!
But we all also understand where you're coming from. We all deal with the same type of issues every day. The surgeons fix our tummies, but it's up to us to fix our brains. That's why this support forum is so important. So keep posting!
262/147/142 (inching closer to goal)

Hi Lyn,
You are right we all need a swift kick every once in a while. I don't know why I thought that old behaviors would not cause the same problems they did before. Go figure
I think that is the one thing many of us that are out and soooo close to goal get caught up into, old thinking and old habits. It is always going to be the mental game that gets us into trouble. The doctors gave us a tool to help with the physical game, but we have to make the mental game work. That is why support group and the boards are so important!!
Hope you are still healing and not sloshing!! I have cancelled my TT for June. I don't think I am ready, physically or emotionally. I will have it someday but not this year.
Thank you for your good thoughts!

Hi Jackie,
I've been thinking about you & wondering how you were coming along. Barb has been passing on any news she gets. Speaking of Barb, you two need to get these problems fixed. July isn't that far away!
I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm glad to hear that I did the right thing last fall when I got sick & Angie was the first medical person I thought of. She is good about getting things done. I take it she sent you on to Dr M for the scope? If so, he'll do a good job. Just don't let him get away with talking down to you and if the scope doesn't find the problem, be sure to go back to Angie for more ideas. When I got tired of M not listening to me & not finding anything, I went back to Angie who, along with Dr G, suggested one more test & that did the trick. In my case, it was exactly what I was trying to tell Dr M. Go figure, maybe I did have a brain afterall.
Sorry I digressed. About the dumping, I never would have thought that just a bout of diarrahea & gas could be dumping. I don't do that but diarrahea was so common for me before my WLS that I wouldn't think anything of it and gas seems to be a big complaint for everyone. Your various intolerances sound just like Kathy, from our local group. She has had that diagnosis also. I wonder if maybe she has been dumping the same way as you, not the horrible, "I wish I could die" but the discomfort & inconvenience of gas & diarrahea seem kind of normal. I'm going to pay much closer attention to my body & how it reacts to foods, thanks to your experiences.
The 10-15 lb problem seems to be pretty common. Count me in, as you know, I'm stuck too & my eating habits are part of the problem, I know. I eat things I shouldn't. Hey, I don't dump (sorry, a bad attempt at humor) and I find that I can pick up a piece of candy here & there & it just disappears. Since the beginning of the year I have made a concentrated attempt to stay away from the "goodies." I even cleaned out my cupboards & all the candy I found was taken to work where it instantly disappeared. I'm trying to just eat proteins & veggies. So far it hasn't helped at all. Matter of fact, I bounced up 2 lbs! Obviously, I can't give you the sectret of losing the last 10 lbs. If you figure it out, please share.
I like your new rules, mind if I follow them also?
Good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking about you.
Hey Dix,
Good to hear from you. Jessica is doing great (she spent the day with Barb yesterday). I am really focused on being as healthy as possible for when my grandson arrives in June.
I will keep you posted on the various intolerances and "sudo" dumping. I think they will give me a round of strong antibiotics (hello yeast infection!!) then we will test again to see if the intolerances are still present.
I will also let you know what they find today. It sounds like Barb and I are going through some similar stuff. Poor Jessica both of her moms are not doing so good.
Well, I better get going. Time to get poked and proded.

I hope everything turns out okay
Let us know how the endoscope goes .....I am also having one Friday and I am scared
Not so much of the procedure, but of what they will find.
Well and I am scared of the procedure too really!!! I have lots of pain lately and the ulcer meds aren't cutting it.....sometimes I am miserable for a couple days straight. I am getting the endo first......if they don't find anything that way, then a hidascan to check out my gall bladder
Sorry to hear about the fall and broken ribs.....ouch, you poor thing!!! I also totally agree with the macho nacho comment......
Just because I can, doesn't mean I should.....mexican is SO my downfall! Again.....wishing you the best....hang aroung more
Take Care

Hey Jesi,
Sounds like you are having similar issues. Nice to know that I am not alone. I hear ya about being scared of the procedure. I am afraid that they will get in there and say "Boy, look how streched out her pouch is...Wow, you can tell she isn't following instructions...Man, there isn't anything wrong other than she has ruined her surgery!!!" These are my big fears.
I am glad that they are doing the endo first then the hinascan (but I would still ask that they change tubbing!!
I don't have to worry about my gall bladder they took that during WLS. There is minor concern that I did some damage during my fall. My husband is sure that is what is causing the problem. Who knows?
I will post later when I know something.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, I will try to lurk less and respond more!!