Hello everyone. I'm back
I am finally able to post to you all. I feel well enough to write a few lines. Thankyou all for your prayers and support for me. I have been able to do more each day. Tomorrow I finally go to get my jp drain out. 11 days is just too much for me. Trying to get all my water in and it's getting better. Can't wait untill I get the ok to eat something. The Food channel has become ***** to me! Cimdy
Glad to hear from you.....we all got kinda scared!!! You will have to give us all a rundown when your feeling better. I too had my JP drain in exactly way too long, 13 days I think.....you will feels tons better the minute it comes out
Just keep pushing the fluids....if there is nothing else you can get it, the fluids are the most important right now....everything else gets easier and easier the farther out you get! I never got into food porn
But I about died everytime I saw a pizzahut commercial or tacobell or anything like that...Hang in there and take care

Hi Cindy!!!
Glad to see you here. Good that you're on the mend. That drain, the pits. You'll be surprised what a difference it will make how you feel when it's gone. . I know for me, I didn't want to be around people when I had one and I had 4
with my second plastic surgery.
Like Jesi, Pizza Hut is what got to me. Those commercials were a killer. I hated the commercials. It made me way angry because they made the food look so good. Now, they don't bother me.
Don't try to do too much yet. Take it easy & be careful on the roads today. It looks kind of slippery.

It is so good to finally hear from you.
Glad things are doing better. I was lucky and didn't have a jp drain so I can't really relate to that but hear they are a pain to put up with.
I didn't have the food channel but on Sat. on IPB they have cooking shows so that about put me through the roof a couple of times I can imagine what it would be like if I could watch them all the time. I'm like Jesi I got so I could have crawled into the tv and ate a pizza. Funny thing is I don't like pizza anymore. My tastes have changed so much. Go figure. Well good luck and let us know more when you feel up to it. Just take things slow, it all comes with time. Drink Drink Drink Drink. Cindy

Hi Cindy!
I'm so glad you're back!
You had us worried there for a while. You'll feel a lot better when the drain comes out. I only had to have mine in for 3 days, but it was a pain. For some reason, I was able to get some satisfaction from watching the food channel. I guess since I knew I couldn't eat the food, it gave me comfort just to be able to look at it. Maybe I'm just crazy!
Well you get some rest and let us know more when you feel better. Welcome to the losing side!

Hope you got your drain out today! For me, it was the G-tube that drove me buggy. My surgeon wanted it in for 3 weeks! Well, me being me, got a really rip roaring infection around it. It came out at 2 weeks. I wouldn't recommend that method of getting it out tho. I was really laid low with the infection. Temp of 102. I wouldn't have cared if they had taken me out and shot me.
Ah, the food channel. I watched it in the hospital after the WLS. The nurses thought I was nuts! But the commercial that drove me nutty was for Daisy Sour Cream. A dollop of Daisy. As soon as I was off liquids, I got sour cream to put on my refried beans! It was AE tho, not Daisy.
Every day now will be better. Just don't over do it.