Saw the surgeon today!
Hi all! I finally saw Dr. Eibes today. He has everything he needs and states they will send in the pre-authorization request tomorrow. I have to have a cardiac stress test before surgery (because I am over 50) but it won't hold up the pre-authorization request. I have the stress test scheduled for Friday morning. He did say that since I have not been on a medically supervised diet within the past two years the insurance company might make me do that for 3 months before they authorize. I sure hope not. The 4 months I have been waiting since I made the decision has felt like an eternity! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
I hear that Blue Cross is fairly speedy about making decisions (like a week later). Have any of you had Blue Cross and if so, what was your experience?

I had BC Select, once all the papers were finally in they didn't take very long maybe a couple of weeks to decide. It all went very quickly after that. I had tried so many diets though over the years and my pcp just wrote that she had seen me and we talked about it several times over those years. I don't know if that will work anymore or not. I think it is all in how your pcp writes it up. Good luck with everything and let us know how you come out. My fingers are crossed if that helps any. Cindy G.
Not sure that you want to hear my experience with BCBS. My coverage is with BCBS of IL. They denied me a year ago last Dec because I had not been under Dr care for weight loss. We appealed showing that I had been going to the dr for over 15 years every three months for blood pressure, diabetes weighing in and have discussions about my wieght. They said that I needed to be going every month. So I went every month with a diary and discussed what I have done in the last month. I lost around 15 lbs. WE resubmitted and it took BCBS 3 weeks to get back to me, but the good news is that they did approve me this time. I am waiting to get into the dr to be able to get a date. I am also over 50.
So don't give up if they make you jump thru hoops, it just important to get there one day.