Whats everyone up to?
Good evening! Everyone enjoying this sunny cold weather? It looks so pretty outside, then step out there and FREEZE!!!! Can't complain tho, snow seems to be long gone....I see there are some flurries in the forecast but other than that all is good! I am not up to much.....relaxing, letting stuff heal, getting some housework done, the usual! Only bummer thing is being home, I cruise Ebay and spend WAY too much money
ANyone have any Vday plans??? We are babysitting the neighbor girl so her parents can go out....I think we are taking her and my three girls to Happy Joes for supper, they are having heart shaped pizza, HOW CUTE
I usually just get a salad, and maybe one slice of pizza. I have some cute little things bought for my girls, (our ToysRUs is going out of business) So I got them some cute princess bubbles and sunglasses. Got my hubby a card (don't know what else to get him
) And got some cards to put in the mail for grandparents. SO I am DONE! I am concentrating hard on thinking of something really good to give up for Lent.....I want to make it something good this year, something that will benefit me for the long run, rather than the 6 or 8 weeks or whatever
HHHMMMM.....not much else is new really! Just trying to stay warm and eat good! What is everyone else up too? Wishing everyone the best! Take Care

Hey Jesi
Hi from down South of ya. I have a question for you this cold evening. I'm trying to get approved for plastics, oh joy. How did you get approved? Did you have every doctor you know write you a letter? I'm trying to justify my tummy and cleavage reduction. I'm so afraid I'm gonna miss an important step and get rejected, and rejected and rejected.
Any suggestions??
I have a hernia so I know that will be covered and will get me into the OR, but I'm considering having front and back done along with the cleavage. I'm probably crazy but I've been told that before and probably will continue to be told that till the day I die. The more I can possibly get covered the better of course but if you have any helpful hints I would so appreciate them.
You didn't have the normal tummy tuck did you? It wasn't straight across was it?
Sounds like life is treating you good.
Wish I was so organized. I am one of those last min. people. We don't have any plans for V Day. We never have any money when these holidays show up so don't do much. I may make a coupon book for DH that he can cash in when ever he wants. Things like an extra kiss, do his chores for him, clean his truck, back rub. Just easy things like that, they don't cost to much.
I need to get a couple things for my grandkids, we will be seeing them this weekend and I want them to have something small. I ordered a game off of Amazon for my 8 yr old Grandsons game boy. Now I just have to figure out something for the other 2 kids. One is 3 and one is 12. The 12 year old I am going to be getting her an expensive dress for her spring fling at school so I don't want to spend to much.
We had a support group meeting last night and very few people showed up. So it was a short meeting, which was fine. I was tired anyway for some reason.
I haven't done much else to let any one know about. Just trying to stay warm and working. Take care and enjoy your week. Cindy G.

I spent the day at the pediatrician's office with my 5 year old son. After a chest xray and a nebulizer treatment it was determined that he has viral pneumonia.
so we went to Walgreens to get prednisone, biaxin and nebulizer meds. Poor little guy just hacks and hacks and hacks until he throws up!
I have been surfing online for cheap airline tickets, plan to fly to Phoenix in July for college graduation.
I must be nuts to want to go to Arizona in July!!
I can't hardly take the heat in the midwest sometimes! It is nice to think about the warmth during Feb.!
My DH and my step-brother are going to do some roofing on our house on Friday. The last rainfall we had 10 days ago caused a leak in the laundry room which is not good when we are trying to sell the place. My DH and I don't exchange gifts for V-tines.
but I get the kids little somethings.
I got my son a stuffed gorilla from Kohls (he loved King Kong) and my daughter a pretty pink half sweater. We will probably work on the v-tines for school this weekend.
Well, have a great week!
Nicole T.

Hello Jesi, its been awhile I got all moved in I called Andrea last nite to see how she was and im thinking of going to a meeting this month i miss everyone it feels like I been in my own little world. havent been doing much just getting things put away . the kids started their new school today so its quiet drop me an email take care