More sloshing
Had another 350cc drained from my seroma. I think I'm going to name it Fred since it seems to have a life of it's own. Between the fat he took off (4 pounds) and now about 2 1/2 pounds of fluid, I would have a nice sized baby! NOT! My baby was 9 lb 10 oz. Wouldn't know what to do with a little one. Anyway, now I'm WAY too old for that.
Wouldn't you just die
I couldn't imagine having another does happen to a lot of people tho....thinking their kids are grown and out of the house, only to have a big OOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I am doing more swooshing from me.....I think I got a break since I swelled like the goodyear after my TT
I am gonna post some pics one of these days....I think all is looking great.....I am SO happy with the BR......I bought a new swimsuit today.....Hot pink with flowers, so pretty
Now if I could just get rid of my arse and thighs
My tummy and boobs look good.....oh well I did get a wrap for the suit too
Cover'em up!!! Take Care