Kind of funny
Hi everyone. Welcome to all the new ones. We love to have you here with us.
Now for the funny, I went to shave my arm pits yesterday (not that anyone really cares) but I couldn't do it very good.Where did my pits go? My pits are sunk into my body now.
I can't get the razor in there to shave them. Oh my now what do I do?
Oh well I will just get some Nair and use that.
Just thought I would share, you should have seen the look on my husbands face when I told him about it.
That was worth all the time I spent trying to shave. But he just wanted to be sure I didn't use his razor.
Hope ya all have a good week. Cindy G.

Dear Cindy:
I have the same situation!!! I wasn't sure if it was strictly due to the weight loss, or from lifting weights too? Good thing i don't get much hair under my arms, since I can't seem to quite get the razor where I need it!!! I hadn't thought about using nair there! I have gotten rashes under my arms from some deodorants, so don't know how the nair would go!! Maybe I'll let it grow and braid it!! 

Take care, DeeAnn R