New here
Hi everyone. I've been thinking of having surgery for the past couple of years, most seriously the past one year and decided to take the plunge.
I went to the informational meeting at Mercy Capital in Des Moines and filled out my questionaire, contacted my insurance company to see if they covered the surgery (they do!!) and contacted my personal dr. for him to send a letter of recommendation to the surgeons to be included for the insurance company.
My doctor said he wouldn't recommend me because he believes bariatric surgery is too radical of procedure for something you can eventually do on your own. I'm bummed and looking for a new doctor
I have my phone interview on Feb 16th and looking foward to that. I'm hoping that not having my doctors blessing won't hurt my chances.
Glad I found this message board and hope to be talking alot with everyone over the next few years

Welcome Phil!! I'm also in the pre-op stages with Mercy Capitol. I ran into the same problem with my PCP. She tried to tell me I would be spending the rest of life eating baby food. I had been warned by the insurance gal at Mercy Capitol that my PCP at that time would be very unsupportive and she was definately right! I found a new PCP who hasn't said one negative word and I have started the process. I've done my cardiac eval and psych eval was Friday. I'm just waiting now for the reports to get to Mercy Cap and then they can submit for insurance approval. I'm pretty sure I'll be approved, but I still keep my fingers crossed!
Hi Phil,
I am a post op Nov 15th I had a LAP RNY with Dr. Smolik I have no complaints (only the nurses at Mercy Capitiol were not the greatest) I had 2 nurses I liked the whole time I was there. I love Dr. Beck she is so nice. Dr. Smolik is very nice too. If you have any questions at all please ask. I lost 70 pounds today! I couldn't be happier. I have my 3 month appointment on feb 15th I am 3 1/2 hours away.
Good luck!
I want to join the welcome band.
Put on your seat belt this is a real roller coaster ride. I would do it again in a min.
Yes there are some that have problems eatting. I don't like the taste of food anymore. If that is a problem. But the good outweighs the bad in my case. And that is the only one I can talk for. Everyone has a different outcome. No two bodies are alike so your PCP shouldn't group us all together. I can eat anything, I just don't like the taste of much. I lost a total of 160 lbs in less than a year, and have maintained that weight now for several mos.
You will do great, just follow what your surgeon tells you. That is the most important advise I can give you. Each Dr. has a diffrent set of rules, and their reason for them. It is important to follow what they say.
Wishing you well and welcome again. Hope to hear from you soon. Cindy G.