I have a question for you all
I am wondering if grinnell (Dr Kermode) will have you do the liquid diet thingy I get my surgery date set March 10-15 The nurse said I wont have surgery til maybe end of March /April
I also kicked the smoking habit out the door and I feel so very much better
My next goal will to be drink more water and start taking walks
(have a very bad knee )so I have to start out small and work my self up
and would like I say to each and everyone of you guys that you all are the greatest and so is this web site thank you all for being here for me its great
Hugs Sheila

I went through Grinnell and didn't have a liquid diet, however I didn't have Dr. Kermode, but I don't believe that he has you do it either. Someone else may prove me wrong though.
That is wonderful you have kicked that nasty habit of smoking. I was able to quit about 16 yrs ago, it is one of the toughest habits to stop. You should pat yourself on the back as often as you can for breaking it. I still have occasions where I would like a cig. but don't want the habit back, or the smell. My husband and I quit at the same time. It helped to have someone to quit with, but our children suffered tremedously.
They lived and now 3 of them smoke, which breaks my heart.
You have already been through the tough part, by quitting your surgery will be a breeze compared to that.
Good luck keep us informed. Cindy G.

Hi Sheila.
I had Dr. Kermode in Grinnell on December 15th. I did not have to do the liquid diet. I asked about it and he told me they normally only do that if they go in laproscopically to shrink the liver so its easier to move around. Since he doesnt do Lap.....you shouldnt have to worry about it.
I really liked him...he was always very nice and professional.
I am doing great. I went back on about the 20th for a two month check up and had lost 35 lbs! I havent weighed myself since but I know I have lost more...because my clothes are getting way too big!
If you have any questions...feel free to email me! Only too glad to help. Oh, Grinnell also has their own message board...if you like I can get that for ya. I didnt know about it till a couple days before surgery when I was dinking around on their website.
I dont ever make it to the support meetings because its too long of a drive for me. Its about 4 hrs for me.
Good Luck
billie jo