Hello I need some encouragement
I'm again down in the dumps. School? Well, not going too great. But just hanging in there.
I have an inspection tomorrow for my low income housing. I'm not prepared. I have too much stuff. But I don't want to throw anything out.
I feel that I'm gaining the weight instead of loosing, but I haven't been eating all that sugary stuff, (except ok for 1 pepsi a day). Water is making me sick. I take a little tiny sip, and my stomach doesn't like it.
Well, if anybody is in Marshalltown May 12, at 7 I'm going to graduate hopefully from Marshalltown Community College.
Well, sorry so depressing. I do have one positive thing, I have an appointment with my attorney for tomorrow to fight for my benefits. and Senator Grassley was here at the college last Friday, but had class, so I couldn't talk with him.
Well, I need to go study before my class.
Take Care
PS By the way thank you all so much for your support.
Lisa, feel my foot kicking you?
You put yourself down to much, you are a wonderful person. It is so easy for us to see the bad in ourselves, but remember others see only good.
I too am a pack rat and I need help. I have a house full of junk I need to get rid of. It is mostly craft stuff from when I had my craft store. I don't even do crafts anymore, so there is no reason to keep the stuff but I just can't get rid of it. It all cost me so much, in emotions as well as money.
But this summer when I am off school I am going to go through it all and get rid of some of it and store the rest neatly.
Sounds good doesn't it. Now if I just do it. Sounds like you just need someone to come and help organize your things. It is much more fun to do with someone else than having to do it all alone. I wish I had more time but right now I have 2 kids moving in the next 2 mos. And I have to help them. They both have a bunch of stuff also. Do you have a freind there that can help you, even if they just come and talk while you sort and stack things can be a big help.
What is going on with school? What class are you taking now I have forgotten? You can do it !You can do it! You can do it! I know you can.
I was hoping you would let me know when your graduation was. I will put it on my calendar, I can't promise I will be there, it just depends on if it is a weekend I get the grandkids or not or if my kids are doing something I need to be a part of.
I also am a volunteer for Relay for Life and that is a busy time for us, as our Relay is in June, I do the Luminarias and they start pouring in about then. Although most come in the day of Relay so that shouldn't be to big of a problem. I just don't want to get your hopes up that I will be there and not be able to show up then. But I will give you a promise to try very hard to make it to Graduation. I definatly want to meet with you sometime. If not in May then sometime this summer hopefully. Well now that I have written you a book and not really said anything either I will leave you. Remember when all things look gloomy you have a freind out here that cares what you are doing and what is happening. Just call or email anytime. I will email you my phone #. Cindy G.