I got approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a phone call this morning I got approved for my tummy tuck. They were not sure if title 19 would pay for my tummy tuck but they are going to.....I am excited about it but yet scared with my history with surgeries.
On other news we had court the other day over my sisters kids. The baby gets to come home and live with my mom and dad starting this weekend. The other two kids are going to finish school where they are at. I hate to see the kids split up but I think the kids will do in school and maybe do better in school. They will get to come home after the school year is out. They will then go live with my parents. Talk to you all later......Lynda
Wow that is great news on all accounts. I don't blame you for being a little scared over the tummy tuck, I don't remember your history with surgery but just the thought of all the stitches and cutting for a TT is what scares me. I am a chicken when it comes to the thought of pain. I wish you the best of luck and will be praying for you. I am sure Jesi or someone that has had it will be a great help to you with advice.
Your folks have a lot on their plate right now don't they. It is so hard to see families split but it may be the best for right now. They have a long hard road ahead raising 3 children again. I am praying for them also. Even though they are your sisters children it can be very difficult. How old are the kids again. I have such a terrible memory, I know you have said in the past all this. Oh well thats what happens when you get old I guess.
Well once again good luck and keep us informed how things are going. Cindy G.
Here is the short version of my history with surgeries. When I had gastric bypass surgery in Dec 11, 2003 I had complications and ended up having 3 more surgeries after the first surgery, I died 3 times and I did live or I wouldnt be here typing. The first trip to the hospital I was in the hospital for almost a month. I went back to the hospital a couple weeks later to get a tube removed after they took it out and was sewing me up my heart stopped and I ended up on heart monitors for a week in ICU. I was still on restriction 6 months after my very first surgery. I dont blame my doctor at all for any of this. He did what he was suppose to and he is awesome doctor. The poor guy took it so personally he still to this day calls and checks up on me.
The kids ages are spread apart. Krystal just turned 14 in January, Zach who we call Z-Man is 7 and Lisa will be 8 months old the first of Feb. We all are looking so forward to seeing them. My kids don't have school so they are going to ride down with my mom to get the kids and then spend as much time with them till their dad comes and get them. I called him and asked if we could switch weekends since this is the first time we (my kids and me) have seen them since Dec. 3rd. But of course my ex is being a brat. But oh well no reason to get mad or upset with him. We are going to see if we can get my sister kids the weekend I surgery. My poor mom will have my kids and my sisters kids. When I have my surgery and if my mom get my sisters kids for the weekend she will have a 14, 13, 10, 7 and 8 month old. She will have her hands full but she is really looking forward to it.
Well i better get back to doing my school work and cleaning my house.....Lynda
Oh my Goodness I don't blame you for being scared. You are a very very brave and fortunate individual.
I could never do it.
Yes your mother will definatly have her hands full. But at least the 14 & 13 yr old will be able to help her. She also is a brave person. Well good luck on school as well as your upcoming surgery.
I also dealt with an ex for years and not only my ex but my husbands ex which was much worse than mine. Now all the kids are grown and you would think I would be done dealing but no such luck, my husbands ex wants to cause problems still. Oh well like you say no reason to get angry that is what they really want anyhow. Cindy