
DUH !!!!!!!!! Here is the link
So glad to see ya
Seems like we haven't been on at the same time in forever!!! How was the babysitting? I betcha loved every minute of it! Thanks for the compliments.....I do feel a lot better about the tummy with the little revision work, but man of man it is TIGHT!!!! I am excited about having smaller breast they have been WAY to big my WHOLE life, seriously since like 10. I tried for a reduction when I was much younger but didn't happen. I wrote to Leslie that a bunch of us gals need to meet up one of these weekends for a nice LONG lunch/visit....there are so many of us close! Think about it, maybe we could all throw out weekends we are available and pick one
Anyways take care

I'd love to get together with all who can, and for me almost any weekend works.
Babysitting was wonderful. I bet I change that tune in a couple years when she hits the terrible twos. She was asleep when I got there and after 2 hours I was starting to think she'd sleep until they got home. so...
don't tell! I woke her up! She didn't make a peep when I changed her & even let me take more pictures of her. She smiled several times, the first I've seen her smile but not when I took the pictures and she was happily eating when they got home. I think I could get used to being a grandma!
Well, you take good care of those girls, your daughters & the new ones on your chest.

Hi Jesi
You look awesome! When it heals it will all come together. Your going to have the breasts of an 18 year old
I would love to get together soon. My eating is getting much better. I am accepting meat now
No more throwing up! I am doing well 62 pounds down my goal is 10 more in 2 1/2 weeks till my 3 month check up. I started jogging (I finally can do it and not look like a cow!) I felt uncomfortable (not physically) but I didn't want people to stare at me wondering why I am running. Anyway!!!
When you set a date let me know where and when!

Oh, Judy, it is so worth it. I didn't realize just how much I hated that hanging skin until just before my TT & I'd found myself looking at it with loathing. Now, when I go to the restroom at work where they have a floor to ceiling, wall to wall mirror, I stop to admire my PS's handywork, and I am far from looking like a model. Yesterday I found myself turning & checking out my backside & thought, "Wow, even that looks good now!" 

And I'm a 55 year old grandma! I still weigh 180 lbs but I have a tummy & butt that many of my friends envy.
My insurance did not pay & I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't been for my Mom's estate. Yep, I used the money I had planned to use for my retirement to pay for my 2 surgeries & would do it again in a second. As a matter of fact, I 'm looking at those nasty thighs pretty closely now. I said that 2 surgeries were all I would do or all I could afford but, if I can save enough, & lose a bit more on my own, I might change my mind. Hmmmmm, maybe just some more lipo on the outside would be enough to satisfy me.
Oh, by the way, I didn't think the surgeries were all that painful. It looks much worse than it feels, honest. I slept on my side just days after my TT and never needed help at all.
Click on the WWW below for pictures.