I am home
Howdy. Thursday went great.....Woke up with little pain, and went to my room.....Got to stay overnight with the breast reduction. She said everything looks great and I should love it
So did go ahead and re-open my incision from the TT on the upper ab part and got rid of the roll
I can't really see it tho, as I am wrapped up pretty darn good. Yesterday I was released at like 9am and I think I did way to much as today I am sore
Kaitlyn (one of the twins) had an appt with the ENT doc (she has some hearing loss) and I didn't want to miss that, so I went....and then I needed to go to walmart to get some new bra's. She had said I needed to stay in the surgical bra till Tuesday (my first followup appt) but she said if I wanted to, I could shower and get into a good support sports bra on Sunday.....so I had to get a few, and I didn't want to get them before now because I didn't know if I was going to be a B or C....she took out over a pound in each breast (I think...kinda groggy when talking about that) I sleep fine at night, just no rolling over. This morning I was supper sore, but I didn't take any pain pills yesterday, so thats probably why. I did take one this morning to help. Other than that, not much else is going on.....My hubby was only alone one evening, overnight, and then the morning......but my HOUSE is TOTALLED
Oh well, at least it is still standing! Well theres the update......I will take some after pics on Sunday when I take a shower and get all of the surgical stuff off. Until then, everyone have a GREAT day!! Take Care

I've been thinking about you! Glad to hear you are doing well but you need to take it easy!
I am paying for doing too much Thursday and Friday. I did too much sitting and now am really swollen. That nice Dr. L on the plastics board told me to lay or recline and keep my binder on. As long as it isn't squishy, it isn't a seroma. Eased my mind. I'm off to recline.
Hey Lyn~I totally hear ya about the swelling.......By the end of the day after my TT, I would feel like a whale being so swollen. Those binders are a PAIN IN THE BUTT, but they do there job really good, and stick with them as long as you can. I don't hink I have much swelling going on right now (taking bromelien) But when I get up out of bed or go to put deoderant on, I hear the splish splash of fluid.....makes me wanna
I hate that sound. I did take some pics last night....I will get them posted very soon......Here is the place picturetrail.com/jesinjay But give me like 10minutes to get them up.....and by the way the are pretty scary looking, cause she also re-opened me up to fix the buldge! Take it easy also and Take Care

Oh Jesi, I can almost feel the pain. Even if you don't have much I hurt just thinking about it. Please girl take it easy.
You know the house work will still be there, it isn't like a magic genie comes and does it for you. (If it does, would you send it my way)
I have been thinking of you and hoping everything would go right for you this time. I hope they fixed the first mistake.
Do you have classes this week you have to go to? I don't know how you do it all. You are so amazing to me. I can hardly get anything done during the week when I work. My house looks like a tornado comes through it all the time, and it is only my husband & I and a dog and cat. Go figure. I have grandkids everyother weekend also.
You take it easy gf and try to rest when you can. Looking foward to more posts from you.
(((((((((( Gentle Hugs)))))))))) Cindy G.

Hey Jesi,
Boy woman you are doing so good keep up the great work you are doing. Yes at least the house is still standing.
Sorry to hear that Kaitlyn has some hearing lost. My sister had alot of ear surgeries and now she is legally deaf in on year. All I have to say is that listen to your guts and your motherly instincts when working with these doctors.
Well I need to get some school work done.......Talk to you soon!!!!!!!!!!!