Ok, I am really starting to hate
jell-o! 4 more days of it then I will be able to have it again for 2 weeks. Oh boy I can hardly wait,lol. My dh the other day asked me if I would like to have nice peice of chocolate cake and I said h*ll no I want some salad, tuna, chix I had been eating on the "diet" (I hate that word) before. Is that crazy or what, to crave the good for you foods? The really hard parts are grocery shopping for dh, making his meals and his lunches. I am trying to look at it as it being practice for when I am unable to have certain foods after wls. Ok, I am done venting for now. Tomorrow may be another day,lol. Cindy
Cindy, I can understand the feeling of not liking jello anymore. I was fortunate not to have to have it for 2 weeks prior but I did eat alot of it after and I really can't say I have craved it yet. You are amazing though, to stick to it so religiously is great. I know you can do it a few more days.
Maybe your DH should learn how to cook his own meals occasionaly. Mine did. I very seldom cook any more. He does most of it, he eats most of it so he figures he may as well cook it the way he likes and what he likes instead of eatting what I want and can eat. Now if I could just get him to clean the toilets, do laundry, sweep the floors, dust, you know all those other little chores we seem to accumulate, I would have it made.
Good luck on Monday we will be praying for you, and waiting to hear how you come out.