No longer the big girl in the office...
I know this may sound harsh, but I had to tell someone. I work in an office with my boss, who is very small, size 4, 45 years old, a co-worker who is 24 years old and has a body of a sex goddess and her mom who is 48 who wears probley a 18 and about 5'5" so she is a little on the heavy side, has short blond hair, but was not as heavy as I was! When I started here I was the biggest one in the office. I always felt out of place kind of. Well since I have had my surgery August 9th, I have lost 85#, went from a size 22 pants to 14 and a 3x tops to xl tops. So I feel pretty good. But didn't know how our customers thought until just yesterday, I was talking to a gentleman on the phone and he said he was just in there and had talk to the woman with short blond hair and a little on the chubby side. Well I just assumed he was talking about me, but knew that I had not talked to him when he came in. So I asked if it was me that sat up front or the girl that sat in back, he said that the girl up front was skinny, not chubby and it was the girl in back. Oh my, it made me feel so good!!! I couldn't believe it. I feel so good!! I know that I should not be this way, but I just had to tell someone. I finallly feel that I fit in. They have always made me feel great here, but now it just feels right!! Well enough of this, I just had to tell someone, since I couldn't tell anyone in the office!! Thanks for listening.

Way to go isn't being skinny awesome. It really can startle you the first few times you hear it.
I wonder how long it takes before someone believes it. I know I still can't see myself skinny. But others do, and the scale shows that I am. Just can't get my head around it. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing your WOW moment with us. Cindy G.