Hi Jesi,
Wanted to wish you luck on Thursday! You'll do fine. I'm sitting here looking at my fairly flat tummy and my equally flat boobies. They look okay in a bra but completly disappear without one. I'm not sure I have the guts for implants tho. The thought of having to have them replaced in 10 years kinda ruins it for me. I'll probably just keep rolling them up and stuffing them in!
Anyway, I'll be thinking about you on Thursday!
And then you'll be a really hot momma!

Thank you so very much! I have a BIG test in Anatomy and Physiology really I have been to busy worrying and studying for that.....haven't had a chance to even think about the surgery
I am gonna take before and after pics and add them to my picturetrail thingy. Again, thanks and you take care of yourself too