My first WOW moment!

Way to Go isn't life grand

You can't in your wildest dreams imagine what life will be like after WLS even when others tell you what they went through. Until you live it, it doesn't become real. I am so Happy for you.
It just will keep getting better and better. You have done amazing. Keep up the good work and I would bet your dietician will be happy with your tracking your protein intake also.
Good luck with selling your house, my kids are trying to sell theirs also they only have 2 months to get it sold or they will have to make double payments (they bought another one this week) Scares me to death.
I hate moving so I won't envy you that job. I have 2 kids moving in the next 2 months, I am glad they are coming closer to home but I don't look forward to helping them.
Eat slowly and chew chew chew. Good luck with all you have going and we will wait to hear your next update.
Cindy G.

This is a great milestone for you! CONGRATULATIONS!
Under 200- I am so close but the scale does keep changing its mind on me. One day I am 201 then the next 203 then 202- starting to doubt that I will ever go below 200!!! If I do, I am going to stop stepping on the scale for a good long time so it can't change its mind again!!
I will have to check out that website that can tell you protein counts. I usually BARELY get my protein in. I am supposed to have 60 grams a day and I range between 55-65 so I am really on the line!! -Nan