Some pictures
I finally took a few minutes to put some pictures on PictureTrail. Wow, it's hard to believe! So if anyone is curious, feel free to check my butt out!
OK, not really my BUTT - I didn't post those!

Short as in, what it was at the daycare-short?! Really?! And it's red?! I've been thinking about coloring mine reddish, but my hair will only hold it for, um, maybe a week.
Maybe I'll do it for Scot's belated Xmas party this weekend.
Of course if I keep going at this rate, I'll be bald by then...
I might try to give ya a call tomorrow - maybe while Ani's at school!

But seriously, we want to know what you did with the "BUTT" pictures that you didnt post!
You look healthy - YEAH! You are just one month ahead of me for surgery date. I haven' taken any pictures since before my surgery. I have been too scared. I still get freaked out in mirrors not sure I am ready for film! -Nan