A little early, ROLLS & GOALS!!!!
My goal......Make it thru this week
Man O'Man was I busy last week.....and today I am so tired
My cousin graduated from the naval boot camp accademy thingy last friday.....SO his mom, (my aunt) and his wife and two kids came to the graduation in Chicago....they decided to visit here for the week before flying back home (washington state) It was great to see them....me and my aunt are very close....but it was tiring to entertain, feed, cleanup after 9 people for a whole week....they were 4 and my family of 5
What was I thinking....between my school, the kids school and acitivies....I didn't get a minutes rest!!!! (by the way they stayed at my house the whole time) Anyways......I had my pre-op Friday and all is set to go for my breast reduction this coming Thursday
I am very excitied, but scared too......she is also gonna take care of the extra roll for good while I am in there
I was so depressed on how that turned out, but my PS is awesome and is going out of her way to fix it, make me happy even tho it wasn't her fault!!!! I have some biug assignments due this week and have to get ready for PS again, so another busy week here!!! But my company left yesterday so I will be able to hang out here more! Hope all is well with everyone! Take Care and

Long time no see!!!!!!! I bet you have wondered about me once in a while!
I have moved down to Milton, IA with my fiance, I have been here since last May (the day after I graduated college) I got a job within 2 weeks at the local rural health clinics, so I was very lucky to get a great job in the career that I had gotten the diploma in . And I got a lot of incentive pay for having the diploma.
We worked all summer on a house that his brother had been working on, but had moved away in the middle to take a job, so he is selling it to us. I had no idea how much stuff could go into a house that was literally stripped then built back up practically. Well, it hadnt been lived in over 10 years!
We ran all new plumbing under the house(NO BASEMENT) and new flooring, and totally new bathroom stuff, and painting, and ugh... everything!
They say one big thing that happens during a remodel is divorce, well, we made it thru it BEFORE the marriage, so it cant get much worse then, right? lol
The biggest thing though was that I went from running all the time to school, working, etc to taking a sitting job about 9 hours a day. although I was doing work at home, it was no where near what I had been doing.
Plus, I went back on the depo. Mainly just because I hate having a period. Ever since having the bypass I have had a rough time with periods. so that put back on about 20 lbs this last summre. I have gotten thru the fall and the holidays. Without gaining too much more : ) Just staying about the same.
I had a very bad experience though with a plastic surgeon in Iowa City. You can see from my picture I have always carried all my weight in my thighs and legs. I was able to get the tummy tuck covered by insurance very easily, and just went thru Grinnell. Well, for the legs, I finally got insurance thru work and had been doing research on plastic surgeons. I had found a surgeon in Iowa City that was one of the best. He is highly recommended as one of the leading plastic surgeons that is doing reconstructing of ppl post massive weight loss. I was sooo excited. I talked to the office about 8 times before I got up there and they kept telling me it would be covered, etc. and I would just have to do the copay and they thought I could get the legs covered too.
I walked in, and they wanted a 100 dollars just to see him. I told them we had spoken numerous times on the phone, well, anyhow, it was a bad experience. And the surgeon who I had told all theppl I worked with was so great, told me I was still so fat I wasnt going to live much longer, and I would need at least 3 liposuction rounds to get allthe loose tissue out, or lose about 75 lbs to get down to the right weight. But, he coudl tell from my body size and shape that I naturally put weight on there, so .. "good luck" he says.
well, anyhow, I am going to end this one and come back and tell you my goals, now that I have chatted everyones ears off!

My goals for the week!
Continue to cut back on Diet Dew. and drink more water.
bring my lunch from home, instead of buying the 99 cent bags of chips .
keep trying to get the puppies out and walk them every day or every other.
Keep my chin up at work, and dont let other people's petty comments drag me down
That guy sounds like a jerk to me! What a nice bedside manner. I'm only 3 months out, but I already know I'm going to need a TT (I've lost and gained 100 lbs 2x before, so I had a huge panni even before surgery), and a breast reduction and boob lift. I really hope I can get them covered by insurance. I scar pretty easily so that's a concern as well. I've lost over 60 lbs sg far, including 4 inches in my underbust, but my boobs won't shrink. They are H cups, and even when I weighed 160 lbs they were H cups. I'm just so over them. My sis had WLS 3 yrs ago and her boobs shrunk big time. I thought mine might too, but so far nothing. We carry our weight differently. She's tiny on top...small shoulders, thin arms, flatter tummy, but carries a lot of weight in her but and thighs. The first 10 lbs I lost were from my face, and the last 50 were from my butt. It is completely gone, but I still have the pregnant belly and big bust look.
My goals for the week are to pray for my father's speedy recovery (he just had heart surgery) to drive my butt home to Iowa (I haven't seen my husband or son in 9 days, and to have fun on vacation next week. I deserve it. Other than taking supplements and getting enough water I'm not going to worry about anything but trying to have fun and checking on my dad several times/day. I'm physically and mentally drained and I could use the break. Then I'm coming back to Chicago to take care of my Dad and Mom again.
My goal this week is to stay healthy,(work in a care center) continue this wonderful 2nd week of the clear liquid diet(it bites), and not go crazy from lack of food and waiting 7 more days till I am on the losing side(finally). I went grocery shopping Sat. and it was all I could do to keep from drooling. I continue to cook for dh and make his lunches and by the grace of GOD I haven't went totally nuts!! Oh, and I almost forgot looking forward(NOT) to the bowl prep that I have heared so much about. Cindy
Jesi I would be so tired I probably wouldn't get out of bed this week. I don't know how you do it. I still haven't gained alot of energy back. I am sure if I would exercise more that might help. I am basiclly a lazy person. But I don't see this changing in the near future. I am always so impressed with all that you do.
I wish you the best of luck with your ps this week. I am glad that she is going to be able to fix the last problem.
1.My goals is to eat more protein and not have to take so much in supplement.
2.To chaparone the Dance Marathon,here at school,(proceeds go for cancer for kids)
I will have to stay awake until midnight for this. But I can do it, since it is for a good cause.
3.To drink less pop and more water.
That should about do it for me. I can't set to many goals or I will fail. I hate failing. Thanks for the post and good luck this week. Cindy G.
WOW Jesi you have been BUSY! Last week was a boring week for me. I wish I went to AL to see my hubby. My weight loss seems to be slowing (darn!) I am still losing but gradually. I am down 59 pounds and I am 2 months and 8 days out which I know is good I could have never lost that much on my own that quickly but in Nov and Dec the weight flew off. I am working out about 4-5 days a week. I don't feel as strong as I did before so I feel I don't push my self enough. I have a lot of goal this week and for the rest of the year!
3 push myself harder when I work out
This week will be busier so I will not think too much about being apart from my hubby.
Have a great DAY!
My goal this week is to not miss any of my vitamins. Last week I missed 2 times so this week I'm not going to miss any!!! Also to drink more water and to eat more protein. I'm 4 lbs away from being under 200 and 34 from goal. I can't wait to hit goal!!! I also want to get more pictures on my profile. So that is one of my goals for this week also.
Well, I'm appealing my denial for Social Security. I was denied again for the 3rd time. Possibly taking the college to court, for discriminating against me for not getting help. They put me back on probation for having to drop a class last semester. My counselor says we can win the case. But I'm really scared. Don't want to. besides I'm going to graduate in May, what's the point?
1. Sleep
2. Organize my apartment, since I have an inspection by HUD on the 1st of February (for low income housing)
3. Get to the Gym
4. Remember to study!!!!!
Guess that's about it.
Barely made it home from Des Moines on Friday. Because of the snow, couldn't see half the way home.
Well guess that's all.
Talk to you all later.
Lisa Young