4 days post TT
So far it hasn't been too bad except for a few little problems. Like passing out twice the day of surgery, needing 2 units of blood the day after surgery, having to stay the next day because of low blood count and the passing out, getting dehydrated and having to go back and get 2 liters of IV solution. Other than that, everything has been great!
Pain has been minimal. Make sure you are drinking a ton after PS. I thought I was but I guess I wasn't drinking enough to make up for the fluid loss from surgery.
I have pictures up but the slideshow feature doesn't seem to work and I have no clue how to fix it. I have emailed the help people.
WOW......a few little problems
You are a trooper!!! I would be all whining and carrying on!!!! I was away most of last week, but thought of you! I am glad to here all is going well (now anyways) I hope you keep yourself nice and hydrated. When do you have to go back to work? I am glad to hear the pain was minimal too.....I think it is more of being uncomfortable than actual pain (for me anyways)! Did they say how much they took off? Wishing you the best with a speedy and smoother recovery! Take Care