Just Checking in to say Hi!
Hello Everyone
I have been reading everyones, posts this morning and realized how much I miss you guys!! I too am VERY guilty of being way to busy with family and life in general, been away too long!!!
I pop on and check up on everybody periodically, but have seldom posted myself.
I am doing grand at my end, I have lost a total of about 119 lbs. I am at the stage where those last couple of pounds keep leaving and coming back
I have gotten way too ****y and been eating not so grand...but since the warmer weather, have kicked the exercise back into action
yeah!! I know I should be happy with my weight loss, and wearing mostly size 10 pants, and M tops, and I am, fully clothed!!!
I would love to have a TT, brachioplasty, breast lift but honestly don't think it is in the finances right now
Anyhoo just wanted to pop in and say Hey!

Debi, Its great to hear from you. It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life and not get things done that you enjoy, isn't it. I am glad you took the time to let us know how you are. Congratulations on the loss. This weather has been lovely, but it sure isn't today. That wind sounds horrible. But I am on the 3rd floor so maybe it sounds worse than it is.
I keep telling myself I don't need any plastics, and I really don't need any but wouldn't mind having some. My thighs are terrible, but better than the tree stumps I used to have. If they lifted my breasts there would be little bumps left, at least now I can roll them up and have some skin there.
Oh well what ever. Come back when you have time and keep up the good work. Cindy G.

So nice to see you
We have got to make it to Feb, support group meeting just to see eachother
It has been to long!!! All is well here....went up like 10lbs for awhile
but those nasty pounds are slowly dissapearing
I had my two year anniversary in Dec....and started plastics back in August with a TT, had a little revision lipo just like 3 weeks ago, and on the 26th (thursday
) I am having a breast reduction! Don't rule it our just yet, your insurance just might surprise ya, mine sure did
Again, great to see you and hope all is well at home! Talk to you soon! Take Care

Well Hello there, it has been a long time. I was so hoping i would hear from you and Andrea!! It doesn't look as though she has been on much lately either? I met another friend...Rhonda Freiden, she had her surgery in January, and I have been hoping to run into her also...she keeps a journal, but doesn't post on the boards. It is wonderful, the bond you form through all of this.
I totally planned on going to the support meeting last week,and thought about it that day, even posted somewhere that I was going, and that evening...totally spaced it off and forgot!!! That is me big time...very forgetful.
I have been following your PS journey and I am so, so glad you are happier about it now!! congratulations....Breast reduction OMG I only wish, my girls are gone...I am lucky if I am a c cup!? I have had no rash issues what so ever, my tummy is fairly flat above the waist, it is below the belly button that I have a small problem...but I don't think enough for insurance to cover.
Thank you for replying to my post and I will try very hard not to forget the next meeting, I wonder what the topic is...if you notice it is late as I am posting this, 1:22 in the morning...couldn't sleep...took a late nap, that is a definate
LOL but I think I better get there 7 am is sneaking up on me fast!