Just checking in...
Best of Luck to you and Amy both. We will be looking foward to hearing all about your experiences when you are all done. I will be thinking and praying for you both to have an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. I too worried about the stick and the pain afterward. I didn't have any trouble with either. Remember they stick people thousands of times a day. They pretty much can stick you with their eyes closed. And the pain isn't as bad as you might think. But it is ok to be nervous. We all were. Good luck Cindy G.
I just want to say good luck and if I could see Dr. Ver Steeg I would have!! He was my first choice as I had two friends go through him. My best friend had it done April 2004 NO COMPLICATIONS NOTHING and she has lost 140 lbs and is at target. My other friend had it done 3 wks ago..no complications and is doing great!!! I would have him too but he doesn't accept my insurance (darn it).
Janine S