Very Depressed
I know I should have my head up high. I just received my letter from Social Security about my SSI and SSD. I was declined for any help. This means, I will be having to move to Des Moines for a job, that has good benefits, but it will have to be Data Entry, since that is all I know how to do, and feel comfortable doing. I don't even know why I'm going to school, when I can't get help in anything. (Have a learning disability). They put me back on Probation. I don't know how I'm going to graduate in May.
Top of everything else, I am still showing a house I have had 100 calls about the house that my aunt wants to rent out, and I have shown 15 people the house, the other people that have called, say, too much gravel. I start school on Monday. My aunt lives in Colorado.
Well, I need to try to get some sleep. So I will close for now.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Your new picture is WONDERFUL!
I know things are tough right now and have been for a while for you, but keep your chin up. You deserve peace and happiness in your life and I just know you will get it.
Try to stay focused on what is good in your life and know you are a special person. Look at how hard you have worked to be successful losing weight, there were times when you struggled with it but you stuck to it and now you are an insperation to others who are struggling!!
I keep you in my prayers!!

Your new pic is up! Looks good
I am so sorry to here your SSI got denied....I hear they can be pretty tough
I think you can get a job and do have great support from your folks, and thats a lot more than most people have! Remember we are hear to listen when you need to vent, and to give ya some virtual ((((((HUGS)))))))) Take Care, it will all work out!

Ok Lisa, am I going to have to come up there and kick you in the butt? You are a good, pretty and intellegent person. Look at that beautiful picture you posted. Who is about to graduate from college? Not me, you are!! So what if you have a learning disability, you have really accomplished something big then haven't you.
You will
stop thinking negatively.
You know it is really ok to be dissappointed that you didn't get your SSI, who wouldn't be. What does it mean when they put you on probation? Is there still a chance they will change their minds?
I would be terrified of moving to Des Moines only because I get lost so easily, I can never find my way to anything there, but I am sure if you lived there you would soon find things. My son and his wife live there now but are trying to sell their townhouse condo to move back around here since he is starting a new business. Any way, they get around in Des Moines like they have lived there all their lives. There is so much you can do all the time in Des Moines. You will be closer to Dr. Eibes
Girlfreind you will do so wonderful, you will wonder why you even questioned any of this.
I am sorry that the house thing is taking so long. It isn't easy being a landlord or overseer what ever you want to call it.
I think you just have the going back to school after a break jitters. No one wants to go back after you have some time off. I hope you were able to get some sleep. Know that I am always on your side, praying things get easier for you. Yes keep your head up and your sights on May. I am always here for you to vent or cry or laugh or what ever needs to be. I think of you daily. So now I am done lecturing you. Hang in there girlfreind. Cindy