Hello Everyone
I got the best news and some bad news on Thursday. The bad news first. My husband (Dan) got laid off from work. That same day I got a job!!. My cousin came through. She found me the perfect assignment through Wells Fargo. Lucky Lucky me. I found out today while on my formal interview that Aetna is offered until I get hired on. When I was reading the information on the insurance it listed weight loss procedures as an exclusion including surgical procedures. Does this mean surgery is an absolute no? Or does it mean that I might be eligible if deemed Medically Necessary. Any advice helps.
Don't know for sure, but I'm guessing that they do exclude it no matter what. Aetna is offered also at Marsh and while I have Empire BC, our Aetna does cover it. It just depends on what the employer wants to cover. Coventry has a blanket exclusion and none of their policies offer it as an option to employers.