Internist saga continued
Okay, here's what happened today. I called my surgeon's office to let them know what was going on and to see if they had my physical and labs from the internist yet. Nope. The one nurse called me back and told me I couldn't have surgery unless the internist cleared me. GRRRRRR
So, I suck it up and call the internist. Got one of the nurses I like. Told her the whole thing including how upset I was. She said she would talk to the doc, who was at a meeting. Seems as tho they had several problems with messages yesterday (a new person). They called back and said she had talked to the surgeon and I was supposed to call him. Now I'm really POd. Where does she get off? It's 5PM. But the phone gods were smiling and I got right thru and they put Dr. Sundberg on. He said, "Do you have a fever?" "No." "Are you coughing" "No." "Okay, see you Tuesday!" I love that man! 
And I'm going to find a new PCP.
I got the impression he thought everyone was nuts. My opinion also. So unless something more happens, I'm good to go on Tuesday at 8AM. 

Good for your PS
Really your internist has NO right in deciding if your getting PS or not. Good thing the surgeon took it into his own hands!!! I too would be PCP shopping when done with the TT. Tuesday is coming up quick! Do you have a recliner at home? That really is the only way I could sleep comfortably for like two weeks. I didn't have a problem after the WLS, but was just more uncomfortable after the TT. Wishing you the best!!! Keep us updated! Take Care