TT question...
I'm just wondering how your weighloss and need for a TT happened - like, was it apparent from the start that you'd probably need one, or did it happen more with the last pounds?
Right now I'm down, oh, 85 lbs and so far, so good. Angie even commented on how good my skin looked. Now I'm 30 lbs from goal, but I'm still nervous that I'll suddenly get a big ol' apron or something.
I know rationally, that it's not going to appear out of no where, but I'm still nervous.
Funny, I always used to want a TT after I was finished with kids - now I want to do anything to avoid it!
(is that clear as mud what my question is? - I guess it's kinda "when did ya start saggin;?!)

I started saggin when I was 5 maybe 6
I alwyas had an apron/gut. My surgeon was actually hopefully with my youth, and a little working out that my skin might still have some elasticity and do okay. WELL SO NOT THE case.....I would say if your this far along and happy with your tummy, then your good! Unless there is a tumor or baby, a roll shouldn't just appear anytime soon
I would have loved to avoid it too, but oh well! Take Care and great job

I hear ya - they thought I might have a fighting chance because I hadn't been carrying all my weight for that long. In the grand scheme of things, I was in the 220+ range for 5-6 years. Prior to that, I always had a very athletic build and my body liked to be around 175. I don't lift weights or do sports like those days though.

Oh trust me! My last one (#3) was a 10 lber! 10 lbs, 2 oz and 22" long.
The kicker was, I had only gained 9 lbs! Just my luck...
Let me tell ya, I'm not so militant on natural childbirth after having him!
Thanks for your response though - so far I'm not sagging at all, well, in my stomach! Other parts, now that's a different story!
It won't be flat by any means, but I can live with that!

I think a lot depends on your age and how loarge you were, which you have in your favor, how long you were obese, and where you carried your excess. If it was pretty much spread out over your whole body, you weren't carrying as much on your belly. If I remember correctly, you were pretty much a "lightweight," although you probably didn't think that at the time. Probably if you had been heavier, you might want a TT but hey, if you're not very saggy now, you probably won't be bad at all. Ya, it will probably be looser than if you had never been heavy, but no worse than a woman who has had a baby at some point.
I'm happy for you and congratulations on your 85 lb loss! You'll be there in no time.