Des Moines Surgeons...who have u used? Who do you NOT recommend?
My first choice of a doctor is in Ft. Dodge but he does not accept my insurance. My second choice doctor in Ames..only does open surgeries. I want a lap and know thats what the doctor could do on me so I have to look at doctors in Des Moines. Looks like Mercy Hospital is where I can go that is closest (Grinnell Mutual doesn't accept Blue Advantage either).
SO I need some assistance. Who have you heard good things about? Have you used a doctor in Des Moines??? Who DO YOU NOT recommend???
Please help me out with this...
Thank you,
Janine S
There is a sweet girl on the boards that had her surgery at Mercy just a couple months might wanna email her and ask her some questions. There are a couple others around that do lap.....Have you checked in Genesis in Davenport or Dr. Glass**** in CedarFalls?
ANyways the girls name is Angela and here is her can read about her experience at Mercy Capital or just click on the link to email her! Good luck and Take Care

OHH Jesi you are so sweet too!
Do you got to the Y? I seen you walking in when I was parking by the time I got in there you were gone and not in the workout room? I tried to find you. If you do go to the Y I would love to go with you sometime. I still want to go to walmart to see the foods you liked. I still cannot do meat. It sits and hurts. anyways
here is my home # 773-8568
call me
Hello Angel~I am a member at the YMCA.....I don't go regularly tho
Depending on when you saw me....I might have been picking up or dropping of my toddler for preschool......or if it was in the evening I could have been taking the twins to ballet. It seems like I am always coming or going from that place
When do you workout?? I would love to join ya sometime. Let me know! Take Care

I'm going to be using Dr. Beck at Mercy Capitol. She is a general surgeon and I have had her do a cyst aspiration before. She is extremely nice. They also have Dr. Cahalan and Dr. Smolik. I haven't heard anything bad about any of them. The only thing is that none of them (to my knowledge) does exclusively bariatric surgery. All of them are also affiliated with Mercy Surgical Affiliates. There is also a dr is West Des Moines named Dr. Eibes. His practice here is very new, however, I think he started in Grinnell. It's my understanding that he only does open procedures.
Did you have any complications with Dr. Eibes? I saw the front page of the DSM register with him being featured. Did you have your surgery done at ???
I am looking into the open procedure so Dr. Eibes might work for me. I have an appt with Dr. Hardy in Ames on 1/30 and have stayed at Mary Greeley Medical Center for my three children's csections...still not sure which doctor to look into.