Roll Call & Goals :)
Did everyone enjoy the sun
It was so nice to see this weekend even tho it was brief. We have a nice (well a couple really) rec areas here that we took the kids and dogs too and did some hiking/walking. It was nice to feel the sun and breathe the fresh air. It was windy, but on the trails the trees blocked the wind so it was perfect really. Tomorrow I start school
and I forgot to tell ya'll that I was approved (in one day) for my breast reduction/lift and will be having that on Jan26th
I have had huge boobs my whole life and can't wait to get rid of them
Oh and the little lipo procedure I had to correct my TT looks good....that second day when I looked at it, was bummed.....but it looks much better now
Anyways thats what I am up to!
My and drink good (which will be much easier when I am at school and out of the house all day)
........take all my vitamins
........try hard at this college thing, have enough faith in myslef for once to know I can do it!!!!
Hope everyone has a great week!!! Take Care

Hey Jesi
What are you going to school for? How many credits are you taking. I went to school with two small children at home (2 and 8 months). I started when I was prego with number one and by the time i was done i had two of them. I got my associates degree and am getting ready to go back for my bachelors in business. My hubby starts at the end of this month back too. I think its easiest if you just stay on top of things and dont procrastinate. I found a planner to be very helpful.
Anyway my goals:
NO more Pepsi once I'm feeling better (i've got strep throat)
Start walking at the mall ( I was up to forty five mintues on a treadmill in November.
Hello Amanda.....I am going for my RN.....there was a waiting list for the nursing program, so that doesn't actually start until fall for me....but I am taking all of the extra things that also have to be taken. I think I have 13 credits this semester. I know I just need to stay on top of things....but procrastinate is kinda my middle name....and it has been so long....10years since highschool/college!!! My hubby is also in school too
He is in his second semester for an MBA. We are at different schools tho! I have twin girls who are 6 and a 4 year old daughter. I wanna get going tho because soon they will all be in school is just so hard to get going! I drink diet pop
Strep sucks....hope your feeling better soon!!! Take Care

Jesi on going back to school. Coincidentally I teach nursing courses for a community college down here. And I am currently taking classes online for my BSN. I should graduate this summer.
My goals for the week are to chew food very thoroughly (I am a newbie), keep track of my protein, and to stop weighing every day. I really want to weigh myself only on Monday's.
Have a great week!! Nicole T.

Dear Jesi,
I always love hearing about people who go back to college. I work at a college and from experience know that not all 18 year olds are ready for college. Often the best students are those returning women. Just so you know, there are a ton of websites that have study guides and helps for the classes you will need to take for nursing. I work with students who struggle, so I've had to find many of them. There is even a site that has helps for pathophsiology!
Take care,
Good luck with school tomorrow. I would love to go back to school. I would be so nervous the first day so I wanted to wish you good luck. I have been doing good. I Have my 6 month check up Wednesday. I can't believe that is has been 6 months already. Time sure does go fast. My goals for the week are to take my vitamins everyday and drick more water. I started out right this morning and will remember to take them everyday, and drink my water!! I have lost 126lbs in 6 months. I'm so happy. I wear a size 16 jeans now and I bought a size large in a shirt Saturday. I'm 5'11 so I happy with my size right now. I want to be a size 12 or 10 but for 6 months out I'm happy. I started at 337 and now weight 211. WOW what a difference 6 months can make. Good luck with the breast reduction/lift I hope it all goes as planned!!
I had a blah weekend. I was upset with DH so that makes for a long quiet weekend. But I will once again get over it in time. I should have gone walking maybe I wouldn't have been so down. But sometimes you just need to stew I guess.
Good luck with going back to school You will have a full plate for awhile. Hope your husband is a helping husband. Wouldn't work for me, but then I have no desire to go back to school. It scares me to much.
My memory is way to bad anymore to try it.
You however will do great I am sure. It is something you have wanted for a while now so you should be able to get it.
My goals are to maintain my weight( having trouble, I continue to loose.)
Drink more water and not so much other crap, (like coffee and diet pop)
Be more energetic this week
Good luck with your plastics. I am so glad your lipo worked. You will be much happier now. Give those girls a big hug tonight just because.
Don't get to busy with school and your family and forget to come on here occasionally. We miss you alot when you are gone. Cindy G.

Good luck tomorrow. I envy you. I always wanted to be a nurse but didn't want to work hard enough. I went back to school in 1999 but not in the medical field.
I guess if I want to go back to school I should go to be a plumber! Yep, went to the plastic surgeon & my backside isn't any better after the small revision. Still look like a plumber from behind. He did say he could do a more extensive revision but from the explanation, I wasn't interested in doing that much. I'll just accept it the way it is.
My goals- just the normal one, drink lots of water, continue to cut back on the caffiene & snacks and get back to water aerobics. Oh, and try to be happy tomorrow when I start feeding the dumb *^%#$@$ calves.
You can do it, Jesi!
Let's see, I haven't gone to sleep since Saturday night. I have a darn neighbor who plays music so loud 3 of his neighbors called the police. After the police came, he still had music blaring, police never came back. I may have the house that I am a manager of sold, the owner of Taylor's maid-rite here in Marshalltown are going to look at it tomorrow, otherwise it will be rented. Hope they love it so much that they will go ahead and buy it. Their son fixes homes up and then resells them. So, maybe this would be a great house for them.
I wish I could loose some more weight. Planning on going to the Y tomorrow, and helping Grandpa.
I got my college books today all $350 worth. School for me doesn't start until Monday and I want to go tomorrow. I'm BORED!!!!
Well, I hope I can sleep tonight. If not, I'll be really PO'D.
Going to try to get some sleep.
Take Care
Lisa Young
And here I am, never wanting to return to nursing!
My birthday was this past Sunday, so overall, we had a great weekend. Turning 30 was easier at 184 than it would have been at 265, I'm sure!
Not a lot going on really - just trying to keep up with our everyday activities. I really did think that I'd get LESS busy as the kids got older. I was SO wrong!!
Have a good one!