Just thought I would post.
My aunt gave me a job. Well, not really a job, but it's a property management job, since she lives in Colorado, she owns this house here in Iowa that was up for sell, but no one wanted to buy it, so she is trying to rent it. I'm nervous. I've never done this type of a job before. We haven't even advertised it yet and I'm getting nervous. It's out in the country, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, for $475 if anybody is interested. But you have to have your own refrigerator and stove. Heat is on LP. But anyway, there it is, oh, it is a half a mile from the Iowa River.
I have lost 10 pounds. going slowly. But have started really going to the Y and trying my hardest to drink water, bu****er wants to come up even if I flavor it.
School starts the 16th. I want to go back right now.
Mom and Dad's 40th Anniversary is January 15. Forgot all about it. I was planning a party with my brother and his wife, but we all forgot. OOPS!! But our church is going to announce it in the bulletin and the secretary will email everybody to send Mom and Dad cards. I'm really going to get it, Dad did tell me if we did something, we would regret it. I thought waiting until their 50th, but people have said, that with health reasons you want to do it earlier.
Well, sorry so long, just was feeling happy today for once. Thought I had to post.
Take Care
Lisa Young
You could always call your brother and sister-in-law and plan to take them out for a nice family supper or something
Good job on the 10lbs
I am working on losing 10 too....I am down 4 so far....when I hit that 10, then I am going for 10 more
Did you get a scale and weigh yourself yet? Good luck with the new adventure...be careful....make sure you ask for and CHECK references!!!!! You don't need the hassel of bad tenants!! Glad your feeling good
It is nice to see ya happy! ALso, can't wait to see an updated pic! Take Care

WOW Lisa what great news. You will have fun being a property manager. But like Jessi said be sure to check refrences. I used to own property in Davenport and lived 90 miles away. I ended up with some real loosers. Even when I had a realestate broker manage it for me. There are some real sly people out there. Be sure to charge enough to replace carpet or paint, for your deposit. I know you can't charge them for a whole carpet but you can set a fairly high deposit to keep some of the riff raff down. Also you have to be very careful about not being prejudice. THey will scream that at you also. I am sure you can handle it. Those were just a couple things I had trouble with. ( I was never prejudice)
10 lbs
way to go And you thought you weren't ever going to loose any more. See I knew you could do it.
Keep up what you are doing and soon you won't believe you ever doubted yourself. Things are really looking up for you.
You must like school better than I do. I would freeze up if I had to go back to school. I don't even like to take classes for things I have to have for my job. I am afraid I will be the only stupid one in the class. And usually I am the one who isn't understanding what they are saying. I just have to try harder to understand it.
We had my parents 50th ann. this summer a couple of weeks after my sons wedding. If it wasn't for my girlfreind I would have never been able to pull it off. It was when I was at my weakest. Any now I am so glad we did this, I only have one brother and he was no help. Mom and Dad didn't want anything and insisted on paying for everything. Mom and I made all the food. And I did get to pay for a few things. They still don't realize I did. It was well worth the time and effort. You might consider doing something for their 45th. My inlaws didn't get to have their 50th. We did do something for them though on their 40th I think. You just never know when the right time is. It is hard to get them to let you do anything for them. They are so busy trying to do something for you. I know all about it.
Keep that smile going,
and isn't this your new picture? It is a good one . I will be talking with you soon. Sorry this got so long. Cindy G.