Average weight loss /week??
Hey pals,
I was just catching up on reading posts. I am wondering: What was your average weight loss per week?? Seems like in the first couple weeks the pounds were gone quick and now (6 weeks out) it is more gradual. I am sure everybody is different, but I am curious anyway. Does 2 pounds each week sound similar to your experience?
Thanks for the chat, Nicole T.
I think 2lbs a week sounds good
I didn't keep weekly weightloss like some (always been kinda lazy) But I do know I was down a little over 50lbs by 3months and then a little over 100lbs down at 6months. Those were my surgeons goals and I met them no problems. It is so different tho for everyone.....I kinda had a higher starting weight 294 so that might be why I lost good
But I had lost all my 140lbs by 10months to a year and hit a brick wall. I have well surpassed my surgeons goal....he wanted me to get to 182......but still twenty till mine.....but I am gonna get there gosh darnit
Take Care