it's useless
Hey Everybody;
I'm not sure *****members me and who doesnt. I read this board daily but dont post all that often. I'm so bummed! I have wanted this surgery for three years now. If its not one thing its another. I was working for a company that had United Health Care. I found out they would cover surgery if found that it was medically neccesary, but I turned up pregnant.
So I had my baby and was ready to start presuing surgery. Then I got fired (illegally I might add), so now that my paid vacation (unemployment) is running out I have no job. I've searched for months and cant seem to find a job. I invested a year in that company learning everything I could so that I could move up. I'll never get this surgery. I cant seem to find a job that is for a company with good insurance. I'm so frustrated I want to cry, so I thought I would post instead.
I've applied everywhere with no luck. Why am I destined to be unhealthy and miserable? I worked my butt off in college for my associates, I can do almost anything on a computer. I learn quick. The interveiws I have gotten I dont get the job. I sincerly think its because I'm fat! Okay thank you for listening
Could you get a headhunter to help ya look?? You would think they would have some good firms in the DesMoines area
And they don't usually have any fee's to the worker seeking placement....they usually get paid buy the company the hires you. An idea anyways! Also I would concentrate on the job never truly know the insurance benefits until after employment and even then they can chagne almost daily it seems
My insurer has changed twice now since surgery (and hubby is with same employer) Have you tryed volt or someplace like that?? A lot of bigger companies contract out the computer stuff and then hire if they like like ya.....get a job on contract and then they can appreciate your skills
I wish you the best....everything always seems to work out for the best.....just not always in a timely matter
Take Care and come on here and vent anytime ya need too

Wow...I just read your profile. I could have sworn it was something I had written. I kid you not. I also lost my job. I was also very good at it and was in line for a promotion. I also co-habitate with my parents and my father is disabled. I rent the upstairs apt in their house. Soat least I have my own space. Anyway......
I am going to email you.....let me know if you get it.
Billie Jo
I am so sorry this is happening. I agree that some employers cannot see past the obesity & it isn't fair. I ran into that situation 6 years ago but fortunately found a job with a manager who didn't have that problem. I may be losing this job later this year & commented that even though I will run into problems due to my age (55) at least my size won't be a factor, unless I apply to be a swimsuit model.
I got the impression from reading your profile that you might have worked in the insurance industry, am I right? Have you taken any of the insurance certifications? LOMA comes to mind, but I don't work in that part of the company so I can't speak intelligently there. I work At CUNA Mutual (we supply insurance to credit union members) but in IT, not customer related. I have read job descriptions here (since my job looks like it will be outsourced) & that appears to be a big factor, the certifications. You might want to check into possibly getting some kind of extra knowledge that can be added to a resume. I bet there are some that can be learned online so you can be home while doing it with your kids. Possibly check with the local communtiy college or just call the various insurance companies in the DM area & ask to talk with somone from HR for advice.I'm sure someone would take the time to advise you. From what I have read in the papers, DM is getting more insurance type work all the time & I heard they can't find enough employees with the right qualifications. I know you have your degree but sometimes you do have to do more just to get your foot in the door, especially when you run into situations like you did with that interview you mentioned. Adding a few more skills & certifications don't hurt a bit.
You might want to try a different temp service. I know that at CUNA for the type of job you alluded to, you can only get hired through a temp service. However, once you get hired & are trained, you have access to internal job postings & can get hired by the company, complete with benefits (health insurance!) I know that they use Kelly Services, if that helps.
Good luck. I know this seems like a horrible setback but keep trying. It may mean waiting another year or so but that isn't such a long time considering the rest of your life.
If you don't mind, if I get a chance, I'm going to e-mail you personally about something else in your profile. I 'm not sure when it will be, but I'll try to tonight from work. Right now my husband asked me to run an errand for him.

First of all Amanda let me tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I don't have much help for you I am afraid, but I will be glad to listen to you anytime.
Is there any way your mom can get some benifits to pay for her disability and then pay you for taking care of her. That would help you financally. And may even make you feel better about yourself.
I too was passed over for a job with this same employer I have now, because of not enough experience HA!! I was the only canadate that did have experience in the feild. I did how ever get a different job the next time something came open and they are having to live with the person they hired for the other job. Anyway I understand how it feels to be shot down. Try not to let that hinder you when you go to other interviews. You may come across as not sure of yourself, because right now your self esteem is so low.
Have you considered going on some antidepressants for a breif time to get you over this hump of depression you appear to be having. You shouldn't feel this bad about yourself . You have so many good qualities!!! Keep your chin up and feel free to vent all you want and need to on here. You are a very good person, to help take care of your mom and to be such a good mom.
I take it your husband doesn't have a job with insurance. Is it possible for him to find something that does? Just a thought. Jobs are so difficult now to find. Good luck and let me know if there is something I can do or if you need someone to listen sometime. Cindy G.