Guess what???????????
I felt the exact same way......Went to two different surgeons for consults and all the hoops.....TOTALLY fearless and so determined to have this surgery. When I got a call to let me know I was approved (denied first time with the BTC) I about crapped my pants......I was like holy moly, what have I gotten myself into this time?????
But it is over two years later and 140lbs gone and I haven't regretted a thing.....well one thing....I got rid of all of my big clothes....wish I would have kept a pair of the pants....I would loved to have been able to try them on and try to fit in one leg or something crazy
And I didn't take near enough pics to document it.....after so long hating my pics taken and avoiding the cameras it was the last thing on my mind.....but now I would like to have seen the progress! SO my advice.....relax.....the 30th will be here before you know it.....You do seem to have a awesome surgeon/support group!!! Oh and take monthly pics and save a pair of your before pants
Take Care and congrats again

I am going to go out and get one of those disposable cameras to keep track of all the changes. It will be hard for me because HATE to have my picture taken. In my photo albums it looks like my children were motherless. I am definately going to keep a pair of my pants to compare. I haven't seen the Dr. yet but have been to a couple of support group meetings and they are great. I have met Dixie B at the last one I was at. I have heared only good things about my Dr. ~Cindy~
Yahoo Cindy: I am so happy for you. Now it is just time to do your liquid diet, it can be tough, but you can do it. You have to do it!!!! Just keep telling yourself that. "I have to do this for me". I kept telling myself all the way through this and have confidence in myself. We will all be here for you. Any questions you have feel free to email to me. Happy Days are here again!!!!