Guess what???????????
I now have a date!! I think I am still in shock. It is 1-30-06. I had a message on my machine when I came home yesterday and told my dh don't push the play button. I just froze and I think my dh thought I was crazy. Total panic set in for me. I have relaxed some now. Has anyone had this happen to them or am I really crazy,lol? ~Cindy~
Cindy are you
who in this world isn't a little
? No your not crazy and this is only one time, you will ask this question many times between now and the 30th. But I know from my experience anyway this was the right thing for me. I still have issues with eatting and food tasting good, but I get all my protein in finally and that made such a big difference.
Take it all one day at a time. The 30th will be here before you know it. This is a life time decision but it isn't a lifetime curse as some will try to make you think. You will be able to eat alot of the same foods you always did, just not very much of them. You also need to really like protein, because that is your life from now on. But you can get protein from many sources not just meat. I am sure you will have many questions before and after surgery and this is a good place to get them answered. There are many good people on this board. Good luck and I look foward to hearing more from you. Cindy G.