Goals this week
Ok, I'm going to get to my goals this week:
1. Go the Gym
2. Finish organizing my apartment
3. Walk more
4. Be Happy
5. Remember to take vitamins
6. Get over this darn cold
7. Get a hold of Social Security Office and push them to get back on my SSI benefits.
Think that's about it for this week.
Have a good one!
Lisa Young
Those all sound like good do-able goals. I have a hard time setting goals, I forget about as fast as I set them. I also need to find out for a fellow support group person if Dr. Ibes office in Des Moines has opened yet and if so do you have his phone #. So that is one of my goals this week. I knew you would know if any one does. My 2nd goal is to be a better freind 3rd. Drink more water. That should do for this week since I don't do to good at this. How can I help put a
on your face? I will be glad to help with your #4 goal. Cindy G.