What I didn't know about plastic surgery
I posted this on the plastic surgery board but wanted to put it here also.
I have had two plastic surgery procedures, certainly a lot less than some of the others here. I read 4 books about plastic surgery prior to my surgeries & I thought I knew what to expect. I listened to my surgeon's list of possible problems & signed that I understood them all. Now, almost 10 months later I realize there are things that I never anticipated. They aren't all negative, by no means, but I wanted to share the ones that bother me, hopefully so that if you haven't had your surgery(ies) you will be forewarned.
If you have had plastic surgery already, maybe you'd care to add to the list things you have discovered.
First, let me clarify that if I had it to do all over again, I still would have my surgeries. I love that my tummy is flat & hard. I love that my tushie isn't all saggy. It isn't perfect but it isn't bad. I love that I have a waist. I don't remember having one, at least not since my boys were born 28+ years ago. I am happy with the surgery results. I have no complaints about my particular surgeon & would choose him again if I had it to do all over again. I am not trying to talk anyone out of having it done. There are a couple procedures that originally I wanted done, medial thigh lift, for instance, but I believe that after reading of others' experiences, I will pass on them. I'm too scared to take my chances.
These are what I now realize-
1. Plastic surgery forever changed my body. I know that sounds like a really "duh" remark but think about it. I have scars. No big deal really, usually, and they fade. My first one is almost totally faded at 10 months and the other at 4 months is well on it's way. However, it doesn't feel the same as it did prior to surgery. I have a hard time explaining it but I am always aware of feeling as if someone had wrapped a belt around my waist & tightened it as much as they can. The scar doesn't give & stretch the way regular skin gives. There is always a pulling sensation. I don't have this in front where the fascia was tightened with the TT but across my back. I asked my surgeon & he says this will stay with me forever. It is just a part of having the lift. I suspect in my case it's worse than some because I carry all my excess weight in my legs & thighs & it is pulling down constantly. Gravity does that, I guess. I have always hated to wear anything that is tight around my body. I still hate it when my stockings are the least bit binding, for instance, so perhaps this tightness bothers me more than it does most people. It's a tradeoff. I will learn to live with it.
2. I have areas that are numb. Cutting through nerves damages them & quite often they don't regenerate for a long time, if at all. I still have numb areas on my tummy. Along with this, especially at first, you may touch or bump one spot & feel it inches away. Actually, I thought that was kind of cool. Imagine touching your hip bone & feeling it near your belly button. I had some liposuction along with my second procedure. My right hip is now quite numb, 4 months later & is permanent. Fortunately, it doesn't affect movement and doesn't hurt. It is just numb to touch and one more thing to get used to. I am still glad I had it done but I don't think I would have any more done because of the numbness.
3. I have spots that just plain hurt. If you press on my either hip bone, I will react. It hurts! I don't know if it's because it is no longer covered by fat & it's so close to the surface but it is very tender. Perhaps, it's similar to the problem so many have with their tailbone as they start to lose weight.
4. I do not look perfect even after $13,000 worth of surgery. I really abused my body by being obese. I weighted almost 350# before my WLS. I shudder to remember what I looked like at that time. I don't think any amount of plastic surgery, at least not on my income, will make me look like an actress or model. I don't think I would even look like a normal 55 year old. Even after surgery, my backside is not pretty or perky. There is a definite improvement & that's all I feel I can expect. I don't have those saggy buttocks but it's not rounded & tight & never will be. As a matter of fact, in one way my backside is worse than it was originally. I have what I refer to as " the world's longest butt crack." Because of the scar going across my back, the crease between the buttocks appears to extend almost to my waist. You can imagine what it looks like when my shirt comes untucked. I work with men & you should hear the snickers. Fortunately, they are very nice guys & the snickers are done in fun. So what if they ask for plumbing advice? They know why it looks that way but what about those who don't know? Should I care? Probably not, but I do. Yesterday, my surgeon did a small revision, trying to fix the problem. I'll know more in a week or so when the bandages come off & the swelling goes down. If that doesn't do the trick, instead of having a more extensive revision he mentioned, I think I'll just live with my problem.
5. I am now vain. I have never had a vain bone in my body but that has changed. That's not all bad but I sure am particular about how my clothes look on me & how they hang. I used to like to wear baggy, roomy sweaters but not now. I want my flat tummy obvious. I had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks ago. I was terrified that my surgeon, a very skilled laproscopic surgeon, would mess up my tummy & especially, my pretty belly button. I made him look at it & promise to not to wreck the look and he admitted that it was a nice looking belly button. Hey, I am on old woman! I will never wear crop tops & low rise pants but I know it looks good & I wanted it to stay that way. He did a wonderful job, both in removing the gallbladder & keeping my abdomen looking nice.
By the way, I am fortunate. So many ladies are having breast jobs. I guess I was genetically predisposed to have small breasts. Although I was a 48D before I lost weight, I have shrunk down to a 36C(and sometimes a B). I sag some but no more than a normal woman my age. I have a bit of extra skin under the armpit but not enough to worry about. However, if I had needed it I'd be right there getting them fixed. Yep, VANITY, THY NAME IS DIXIE!
By the way, if you are inclined, if you click on the www, you can see albums I made of my procedures. However, you will not see any shots of the plumbers crack. I am just too vain to share them. (see what I mean about being vain?)
I have told you before.....Your scrapbook is amazing!!! I love it! Wish I had the talent/drive to do something like that! You pretty much sound like me except for the vain part, I don't deal with that
I wish I was more vain! The only thing I would add (for me anyways) is how depressing it can be when it doesn't turn out the way you expected it. I by know means wanted to be barbie, but it is so discouraging! I am going in today to have it fixed (I hope) she is doing some major lipo on my buldge......I will take some pictures and make sure to post them! How is that grandaughter of yours??? Did you have a good holiday? WE are good, ready to get back to our routines (at least me anyways
) Hope all is well! Take Care
P.S. I did talk to Andrea over the holidays....I gotta get down there to see her, but all is great and she is just super busy! I hope she gets on here to update soon!