Just checking in.....
Hi everyone! Hope that everyone had a great Xmas and did their best to resist all the holiday goodies. Funny, since not being able to really eat normally, I have had even more interest in cooking.
I've been watching the Food Channel and getting all kinds of good ideas. It's even more fun to cook now that I know I won't be eating the food myself. I know...weird! but I think it's because before I only wanted to cook food that I knew I liked but now I can experiment a bit and I don't have to feel icky after eating. I hosted the family dinner for Xmas and everyone had a lot of questions about what I could and couldn't eat etc. but it didn't bother me. It's worth it to hear them tell me how good I look. I'm 4.5 months out and down 79.5 lbs. Yesterday I went shopping at some after Xmas sales and decided to buy a pair of pants and a shirt that were two sizes two small so that I would have a goal and wouldn't you know it, got home and tried them on and they both fit.
Hubby says next time I want to buy clothes that are too small, I better TRY to try them on first.
Also hubby bought me an Ironman treadmill for Xmas so I can stop feeling so guilty about not going out and walking in the freezing weather. ok...that's all for now.....how is everyone else doing?

Hi Leslie
I've been down a little, but I'm trying to perk myself up. Having to rearrange my bedroom, so that I can get my new computer desk in. Dad is bringing it in the morning. Can't believe I'm going to have a bigger desk. He is also bringing my Gazelle in. After a year of having it at my parents'. It's about time. My doctor said it was better than the treadmills because it's better on your knees. But that was his opinion, I originally wanted a treadmill, but asked what he thought.
Finally got a Digital camera for Christmas, and have updated my picture, so we'll see how fast it gets updated.
Well better get going on my rearranging.
take care
Lisa Young
Hey sexy lady!
I've been meaning to call ya, but man, I haven't gotten anyone called! It's been so freakin' busy! I need a day off!
Today, Scot and I took the kids bowling... oh let me tell ya how that went!
Will LOVES to throw the ball, and that's about it. Amazingly, we didn't have any smashed toes in the deal.
In other news, I'm about to turn 30!!!!!
I'm so excited! We don't have any big plans yet - ok, my biggest plan is to NOT GET PREGNANT!
How's that for a NYs resolution?!

Hey old woman of almost 30!! Yea right, you are young enough to be my daughter. Ok, I'm starting to feel REALLY old now.
I was going nuts trying to get that family (Mike's) dinner together but I think it was a great success. We got out the karaoke machine and sang Xmas songs and Mike's dad actually sang. (you have to know the man to know that it was a Xmas miracle all by itself)
After dinner, we had a white elephant gift thingie and even though no one really needed any of the rinky dink gifts I bought, by the end of it they were stealing and trading right up until they left. It was a lot of fun! I never thought I would say that about that group of people...
Hey, the bowling sounds fun. I think we might be going after the New Year's party. We did that one year and had a great time. I used to take my kids bumper bowling when they were small and it was always fun. It must have stuck because even though they consider themselves hip Southern California girls, they still like to go bowling sometimes.
I'm afraid that my oldest daughter is going to spring that news on me anytime. Not married, on again off again boyfriend. He's a really nice guy but has no clue about women so until she gets him trained better, she gets fed up with his wishy washy-ness. Somehow I think she'll end up marrying him eventually but they don't need a baby to force the issue. Yikes!! But you can't tell 'em....
Anyway woman, give me a call when you have a chance. BTW, you are doing great!! woohoo!!!
(see how light on my feet I'm getting?)