Just checking in....
Hello Everyone!
Wow! Thank you everyone who emailed me and sent me good wishes. I just cant get over the support of everyone from this site. Like Daniel says...we are a family. I really appreciated having emails when I arrived in the morning! Those kind wishes and support really did make things easier for me.
As Lori stated I had to have my gall bladder taken out. The Dr told me it was one of the biggest gall stones he has ever seen. He compared it to a goose egg....but he was exageratting! (I know I spelled that wrong...I am blaming the oxycodone they have me on...lol) A chick from Histology brought it up to me on Monday and wanted to know if I wanted it. I said sure...just because my boys would get a kick out of seeing it. Its discusting too. I would judge that it is about the size of a mans thumb. No wonder I hadnt been feeling the greatest the last few months. Not really sick sick...just yucky feeling once in a while.
I was released on Monday. I am not home yet. I am staying at my sisters. (she is also an RN..so that helps too) It was a 4.5 hr drive home from Grinnell and only about 2 hrs to my sisters house. They are going to go back to Armstrong (where I live) on Friday...so I can just ride home with them. I was concerned with getting up all of my steps to get to my apt.
I am tolerating everything really well. The only thing I had a lot of problems with were tha bathroom part. You know how things come to a standstill after surgery and things not move like they should. I spent a couple of miserable days before that cleared up. Now that I am going...it doesnt seem to want to stop! LOL (TMI??)
I have decided that TV is evil. All the food they advertise on tv....evil! I was laying in bed one night because I couldnt sleep and I see commercials for Pizza Hut and cookie dough. *******S!! I just got so I turned the channel. That was the only time it bothered me. Last night my sister made one of my favorite hot dishes and it smelled good...but I didnt want it. I didnt even get hungry! I like that! She has also been baking loads of cookies and fudge. I figure this has been a good test for me.
I havent had any problems so far...but from all of the posts and profiles on here over the last few months I have figured out what to avoid and what to do and not to do. Its been great!
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
billie jo
Glad to see you posting and that you are doing well. It just dawned on me, that you live in Armstrong. My son's girlfriend lives there, Cristin Preston. Originally from Ringstead. Do you know her?
The commercial that taunted me was a dollop of Daisy Sour Cream! Have no idea why, but it sounded so good! I actually watched the food channel in the hospital after I had surgery. I was there 5 days since mine was open and I had problems with my asthma. Plenty of time to not sleep and watch the food channel. Perverted, isn't it?
Keep up the good work!
I'm so happy to hear you didn't have to hard of a time with your surgery. I wondered all day how you were doing. I thought I really should have stayed with your Mom until you were out of surgery so she would have had someone to talk with if she needed to. I just never know what to do. That is great you have someone to stay with for a few days at first. I think you need someone other than your kids to be with. And to have to smell all those good things cooking wow what a strong person you are. I too had a hard time with the Pizza Hut comercials. But guess what, it tastes nasty now. I don't even like pizza much any more. I can take it or leave it, so generally I leave it, unless my husband is getting pouty about not getting any pizza for so long, then I will eat a 1/2 peice to make him happy. Aren't the people in Grinnell awesome people? They all are so pleasant and helpful. Well you take it easy for a while yet, sip, sip, sip, get those vitamins in and your protein. You will hear this nonstop for a while. I am just so happy you are doing so good. Merry Christmas and welcome to the loosing side of life. Cindy G.