wow, 9 more days~
nine more days til baby is here! you know, I can't believe it, especially after how hard the road has been to get to this point in the first place!
I have a question for any of you who have had a baby post op...was it hard to get back into the right eating habits...I admit mine are not optimal right at this time...I eat basically whatever makes the baby happy...and I eat all the time...but have only gained 21 pounds in total!
Hi Jesi!
Yep, everything is ready for baby, but not for the rest of us! LOL...who knew having a baby so close to Christmas could be SO stressful! I finally got some christmas shopping done yesterday, not nearly enough of what I wanted, but have told hubby and son that we will have a REALLY great christmas AFTER the baby is born! I just don't have the energy to do what I have in the past....also, being on one income, I don't have the resources. It is weird, but I can't wait to go back to work somewhere at least part time! I have been about stir crazy
I probably gained another 5 pounds this week! I am not eating that much more, but my activity level has really dropped off!!
I don't care how much I gain while's after baby gets here...I don't want to continue!!!
hey, you have a GREAT Christmas!!

Oh I can't wait to hear how it goes and what you had. Or do you already know what it is going to be? This is so exciting.
Almost like having another grandchild only I won't be able to hold it. Maybe I will have to hunt you down to spoil this baby.
Ok you will probably do a good job of that with out my help.
I am sure you will get back in the habit of what you are suppose to eat with out much trouble. Only gaining 21 lbs is awesome. I think that in itself you should be very proud of.
You have a great Christmas and get lots of rest before hand because you will need it afterwards. I always give my freinds the gift of time. I tell them that when they can't go one more night with out sleep they are to call me and let me come stay the night so they can sleep. I have only had one person take me up on it. I am always serious though, I remember 29 years ago I would have given anything for someone to come and spend the night to help me.
I am sure you will be fine and have plenty of help. Congratulations have an easy delivery and a great New Year. Let us know when you can how things are going. Cindy G.

Well, they SAY it is a boy, but you know how that goes...there are NO girl grandkids in my side of the family, so yeah, a girl would be SO wonderful, but boys are great too! I don't care as long as it is a HEALTHY baby! (even tho right now I SWEAR this thing has 8 legs and 10 arms!!...maybe even 3 heads!!)
In the event that the tech was right, and he is a boy, his name is Noah Frederick. IF she happens to be a girl, we are thinking Chloe Rose, or Chloe Louise.
You can come let me take a nap anytime you want!! Of course it would be quite a heck of a drive for you....
The baby will be here the 29th, and my birthday is the 31st...lots of celebrating to do next week!!!
Have a GREAT Christmas!!

The amount that I could eat while pregnant has gone back to pre-pregnancy portions...much smaller. I do find that I am hungry more often than I was prior to being pregnant. I'm not sure if that it due to head hunger (being used to eating more) or simply that I am further post-op and my capacity has naturally increased.
I'm in the process of trying to detox myself of carbs...some days are better/more successful than others.
Have you had a recent US to determine the size of the baby? I gained 28.5 pounds and Alexis weighed 5 lbs., 3/10 oz. Don't worry about weight gain; the baby is what/who is important right now.
HTH and congratulations...the next nine days will go by quickly, I'm sure.

I was wondering if it would. I figured since the stomach is also a muscle, it must also relax more due to the shift in prostoglandin hormone that loosens everything up, so it only seemed logical that it would tightn back up a bit. The past few days I have not been hungry much...some say that is nature's way of getting ready for the birth...good thing I am not nature.,or I would have had this baby weeks ago! LOL... I have fallen absolutely in love with peppermint tea! the only thing in it is peppermint leaves, but man it is so relaxing!
They haven't done a recent U/S, the last one I had was at 20 weeks, and it weighed a bit over a pound then, but through the external measuring, and based on what my son weighed, my dr says this one will not be AS big as he was 9lbs 13 oz, but will be very close. Of course she also let me go 12 days long with Nick because she swore he wouldn't be more thatn 7-8 pounds....
She said 2 weeks ago she thought it would weigh right about 8 pounds at that time. I will not be surprised with a 9 pounder...I would be VERY surprised if it turned out to be less than 7, because it just FEELS so big!! can you say there's the woman carrying the baby walrus! ?? I know that's how I feel when I have to walk anywhere!!
Great job on the 28.5 gain! Have you lost most or all of it by now? How long ago did you have her? Did your dr notice any evidence of her not getting adequate nutrition while in the womb? THAT is my biggest fear, and I think why I don't care how much I gain, it is just SO surprising to see a 5 pound gain when you have been steadily losing for almost 2 years, you know what I mean?! I am SO glad to be having a winter baby, I LOVE to go for walks when it is mild in the winter, as long as baby is bundled up, and no wind in his face, he should learn to like it, too!
I know my DH REALLY will learn to like it! LOL...he has gained about 35 pounds this pregnancy, and all week he has not felt quite right, ..nauseaus, hips aching, low back pain...I told him, don't worry honey, your body id just getting ready for ME to go into labor!!
Seriously, tho, he will be going in to get checked out if this continues past my delivery!!
Have a great Christmas, Sherry!!