Has this ever happened to anyone?
Ok, I'll try and discribe this as best as I can. On Sunday (in Des Moines) my family and I went to Mc Donalds I had a garden salad with grilled chicken, as i was eating this I got a slight belly ache but I got through the chicken, that was about 2:00. All the way home I had stomach cramps and I ate 2 Pepto tabs and we stopped and I got some 7 up. Well in slight pain we made it home around 7:00. I watched some tv and the pains got worse, about 9:30 I told my hubby I needed to go to the Emergency Room. Was there till 1:30, they did blood tests, urine test(s), and an ultra sound on Gall Badder, liver and what ever else is down there. My PCP was on call, so he said to call in the morning to his office and set up an appointment, and to only have clear liquids till I was seen..I got in at 3:00 and he pretty much said that I had gas or an ulser. He gave me some samples of AcipHex which he said was comparible to the "purple pill." And he said since I wasn't having any pain at the time, I could resume eating normally. Well we went to HyVee to pick up some groceries and since I was starving, we had Chinese. I didn't even finish and I started feling the same as the day before. I got my shopping done and in the parking lot I had the foamies. I got home and spent the night on the couch dosing on and off. Well it's morning and Im afraid to eat.
Oh, another thing was I took the meds at HyVee and I had gas so bad it about made me puke. so now Im afraid to take them because I'm scheduled to work tonight. HELP!!! I am about to call the Dr but has anyone else been through this? is it an ulser?
When your pouchie is grouchie, go back to liquids. Once in a while I'll get chicken stuck. I always go back to liquids for the day to rest my pouch. Then SLOWLY go to soft foods and then back to regular foods. You didn't say if you ate the rice. Rice can cause some people problems. I can usually only eat about 2 pieces of chicken from Hy-Vee Chinese otherwise, I don't feel well. Rice can expand in your pouch the same as pasta. I pretty much stay away from rice for that reason. Soda can give you gas. You didn't say if you let it de-carbonate. I do drink some soda with my surgeon's blessings but I much prefer it to sit for a while and lose some of it's fizz. My tummy feels better if I do. Choose foods that you know won't cause gas. Maybe yogurt, SF pudding, soft scrambled eggs. Watch the SF foods that have maltitol, sorbitol, etc. They can cause gas. Stay away from hard to digest foods like fiberous veggies and meats. Think soft, easy to chew and swallow and bland for a few days. Give your pouch a rest.
Hey Nancy.....I replied in my thread about how I am going thru kinda the same thing.....I drink diet pop
but since this ulcer or whatever has been kickin in, my pop about kills me......I have the worst ever headache-going on day four
It is either a migraine that I can't take anything for but tylenol or caffiene withdrawal from not being able to drink my diet pop and coffee???? I hope you too start feeling better

I am about 2 years out, and tho I have been preggo the past like FOREVER...ok, so only nine months, but anyway, I have to say this happens to me when I eat anything with too high fat content, or too much salt. Especially Chinese...which lately the baby has been VERY hungry for...
the thing with me is NOTHING, except lying on my left side and taking a nap, seems to help! I have tried the 7Up, the antacids, the saltine crackers, etc, nothing works! Once in a while if DH rubs my back, I will burp REALLY a lot, and THEN I will feel a whole lot better...but that is a weird thing to be having done...
...but hey, it is worth a shot...sometimes the gas just gets STUCK, and nothing but the rubbing can bring it up!
I SO totally agree with the going back to soft, liquid foods...but then I wonder if maybe that is also part of the why it happens to me a lot because I generally ONLY eat the softer, liquidy foods...the yogurt, eggs, soup, etc...who knows.
I hope you feel better, tho, I so know what you are feeling!

Nancy the same thing happens to me sometimes. The pain can be awful, the sort of pain where I can not straighten up right. I want to stay doubled over. I take 2 chewable gas pills and force my self to get up and walk. It never fails, soon after I start passing gas and get some relief. I sometimes will lay down on my side between walks and I think that helps get some of it moving to.
I had heart burn, ulcer pain ect... before and it is not the same kind of pain I have with this. With the gas pain, I can pretty much feel where the gas is at and also rub that area of my tummy.
Hopefully it is just gas and not an ulcer!