Liquid diet
Yep, Barb, I started mine the day before Thanksgiving 2 years ago and it was hard. But you have to keep yourself focused on the results. The doctor has his reasons for having you do this. I believe it is not just physical. What better way to show yourself that you can stick with a certain way of eating than to stick with the diet your doctor requires? Food afterward will be bland too, I assure you. You might as well get used to it.
That said, yes, I fell off the wagon one time. I had to be on clear liquids for 2 weeks prior to surgery. About 5 days before my surgery, the day I saw my surgeon for the last time & when he finally assured me that my surgery was going to happen, I had to celebrate. I bought a container of pico de gaio (fresh salsa) & ate about 2 tablespoons with a couple corn chips. Had he learned I had done that my surgeon would have cancelled my surgery! I have heard of him doing it. Fortunately, he didn't find out about my slip.
Good luck. It really isn't as bad as it sounds.
My doctor required a liquid diet for two weeks before the surgery, and yes, it was tough to stick to. I lived on cream of shrimp and cream of chicken soup--and will probably never eat them again! I had to give up clam chowder because I wanted to eat the clams and potatoes. I would strain them out and give them to my dog immediately so I couldn't add them back. I did a lot of sugerfree popsicles as well. I would treat myself with a low-fat shake once a week.
I understand there are several reasons for this--including you getting used to self-discipline. The one that made the most sense to me and helped my motivation is that the liver, which is on top of the stomach blocks the doctor's view (especially important if the surgery is laproscopic). But the liver responds quickly to any weight loss, so shrinks some and becomes less fatty during the liquid diet. Therefore, the surgery is easier for the doctor because the liver is smaller and easier to lift out of the way.
Enjoy your Christmas meal but know that you can make it through the liquid diet (this too shall pass).
And to add to what Sally said, I understand that it is very easy to injure the liver. Nick it & it bleeds like crazy and can be the reason to go to open after starting surgery lap.
Sally, you were fortunate. Some surgeons require liquid diets & some clear liquid. Your soups sounded wonderful. We only had broth! Yech! It only took a few days to get sick of them. I did the same thing as you, I strained chicken noodle soup & tossed out the good stuff. It had more & better flavor than broth & I recommend it to all who need to go on clear liquids. I have a huge box of jello that I probably will never use. However, finger jello is what got me through that time. It had lots of flavor & it was something I could chew & it was legal.
I don't know if this will hel*****t but this is what my surgeon allows during the clear liquids. I am sure your surgeon or dietician will give you a list if they haven't already but I am posting it just for your information.
Two Weeks Before Surgery
Only LIQUIDS and a Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement
1. Water
2. Iced Tea or Hot Teas
3. Sugar-free Popsicles, any amount
4. Regular Popsicles, only two per day
5. Frozen Fruit Pops, two per day
6. Unlimited Amounts of Sugar-free Jello
7. Up to 1 cup of Regular Jello
8. Clear Broth
9. Sports Drinks (like Gatorade, All-Sport)
10. Crystal Light® or Sugar-free Kool-Aid
11. No Sugar Added Juices
12. Eight Ounces of Tomato Juice and Eight Ounces of Orange Juice Daily for Potassium
13. Diet Pop, Carbonation okay before surgery. Only two beverages containing caffeine per day.
14. Nestle® Nu Basics Juice Drink
15. Fitness Waters (such as Propel®)
16. Include Daily: 30 grams of protein from a low-carbohydrate fruit-based beverage such as AdvantEdge.
Suggestions At This Time:
1. At least two to three liters of fluid.
2. Before surgery, start to reduce caffeine intake to equal two 12 ounce containers of pop or one cup of regular coffee. This will reduce caffeine withdrawals after surgery.
3. Pre-freeze plastic bottles with desired liquids to carry with you.
4. People with diabetes and/or hypoglycemia may need to have diabetes medication lowered. Monitor blood glucose frequently and call your physician for recommendations in adjusting diabetes medications. Carry a carbohydrate source in case of low blood glucose symptoms.
5. Take multi-vitamins with minerals up until day of surgery.
6. Keep calorie intake near 1,000 per day during Phase 0.
Hi Barb:
I am right there with Dixie, I also had to go on a clear liquid diet two weeks before surgery. I did not cheat and even made Thanksgiving Dinner for my family. There is nothing easy about going through this. It is difficult. Just drink all the time, treat yourself with ice pops. After about the first week, the second goes really quickly. And after surgery you will not want to eat. I do wish I had cut coffee completely out that second week as I did have a caffine headache the day after surgery. (could have been medication also, but I think it was the caffine) You can make it and you will. This is just the beginning to self control for you. My Doc says he can tell if you cheat or not. Please read alot of the postings as the help you will get from here is terrific. I knew alot about what to expect after surgery thanks to this board. Stay strong and Merry Christmas.
I live locally & have run into Jenny, Angie, & Lyn in stores. Imagine sitting in Pizza Hut a few days before surgery enjoying a pizza & in one of them walks. Ehhh!
I was so glad he didn't know about my little slip but because of it, I really can't fault anyone else for slipping. I just warn them that he has been known to cancel & leave it at that. Knowing now what I didn't know then, I never would have taken the chance.
I just want to thank you all for your input. This has been very helpful to me and will make me try even harder to stick to my liquid diet. My surgeon will also cancel the surgery if I don't lose any weight in that 10 days. I am going to pig out for Christmas dinner and then I go on the liquids the next day. I will just think of how good I will look come this summer!