Just Me
Morning all
Just when I think things are going to slow down they speed up!! We had our Christmas yesterday & surprised dad with an airline ticket to Tampa. I wrapped it up in 7 boxes then put the ticket in a gift bag! Chili & oyster soup have been the menu for years for us, I love the chili
thankfully it still loves me.
Was at the dr's due to dizzy spells. Had ear infection in each ear but he also didn't like the sounds in my neck so had the ultra-sound then went back for MRI. I do have clogged arteries, 66% & 50% but nothing will be done til 75% then the old rotor-rooter job. Get more exercise & watch what I eat & maybe that will help. The years of being obese, diabetic & smoker plus family history hasn't helped the cause. According to their scale I had gained 5 lbs but the following week I had lost 3 of the 5. Seems like I bounce the 5 lbs.
Everyone try to stay warm!
Merry Christmas to all

Good to hear from you. I understand the busy times. Isn't it wonderful to be so active again. Although I don't know maybe your weight didn't slow you down like it did me. I bet your father was excited to get his ticket. That was so nice of you. They still love to get presents even though they say they don't need anything.
Sorry to hear you are having health problems, hope you can get well soon.
We had our Christmas yesterday also. Now I don't know what I am going to do for 2 weeks that I have off of work. I spent all my money so I won't get to go shopping or anything like that. I could clean house but who likes to do that?
Not me that is for sure. I will probably spend some time baking for our neighbors and freinds.
My girlfreinds husband died yesterday so maybe I will try to spend some time with her. He was only 57, had a heart attack. She has M.S. and he did so much for her. They were over the road truck drivers. She will be lost without him.
Staying warm is really hard to do when it is below zero so much of the time. Did they move Iowa more north this year or something? I would like to go to Flordia with your dad. I would like to visit my folks in Texas over Christmas but DH says no way. He can't get time off work so if he can't go neither can I.
You have a safe holiday season. Keep in touch when you find time. Get well soon also. Cindy G.

We had Christmas yesterday also. Boy, a houseful of people can really poop a person out. Of course, it might have been all the cooking and cleaning and shopping I did before hand.
Sorry to hear about your health problems. It's too bad this surgery doesn't just erase all the previous problems we had.
I can't believe how cold I am. I just freeze. I live in my Cudle Duds. I said something about it to my surgeon and he said that he is warmer this winter so he thinks that it must get better with time. He's 3 years out. I go to bed in fleece jammies, socks, flannel sheets, electric blanket on 23, and a heavy comforter and then I'm just right.
I hear you about that 5 pound bounce. Me too. But I'm really going to try to lose 5 pounds before the TT. I have a little under a month. I can do this, right? After all, I've lost 110. What's 5 more, right?
Merry Christmas everyone!

I, like I think everyone else, have struggled with being cold all the time. However, I have noticed just this month that I am starting to weather (pun intended
) the cold. Would you believe that I have not put on my long underwear yet? I do wear the undershirts often though. I work in a computer room & the temp has to be kept low because the computers can't take heat & our printers put out quite a bit when they get busy. It never seems to affect how warm I am though. I wear long sleeves & sweater year around but again, I have noticed that I am starting to be more comfortable. Last night I wore just jeans & a long sleeved sweater, with no undershirt! Maybe I am finally getting through that stage
But then again, after my second plastic surgery, I started getting hot flashes. After my hysterectomy 2 years ago, I never had a hot flash so stopped using the hormone patch. Now, often during the night, the blankets go flying. Maybe it's related & that is why I'm not so cold. Who knows? All I do know is that this winter is already too long. Bring on Spring!

Heya Gf (((( BIG HUG)))) Sorry to hear about your health problems!!! You take care of yourself!!!
Glad to know you had a good x-mas, when is your Dad leaving? I got party's from Friday to Sunday to attend... Sunday after it is all over with my family is already teasing me that I will be asleep before 7,LOL probly will be too
..Email me sometime and I will send ya my phone #...we have got to get together after the first!!!!! Talk to ya soon
Give Katie a Hug from me too!!!

What a wonderful Christmas present! I bet he'll have such a good time out of the cold weather.
I'm sorry to hear about your arteries. You did so much in response to your heart problems by losing weight. I was hoping that would be enough & your heart trouble would be a thing of the past. Guess it goes to show that being obese is not the only cause of heart problems but getting rid of that problem sure helps. My little brother had to have stints put in a few years ago & he is only 51 now. He is the most active person in our family & the most fit, not an ounce of fat on him. I guess you're both just among the "lucky" ones.
I also understand the 5 lb gain. I bounce all over. It is so easy to put on the pound or two but so hard to take it back off. I joined a challenge at work. We had to report our weight as of the day before Thanksgiving &, if after the New Year we haven't gained any, we are in the running for some prizes, small, but prizes nonetheless. They said the average American gains 8 lbs during that time! So far I think I am a pound or 2 down from my starting weight. All the candy & cookies sure make it hard though.
Glad to see you posting again
That is so cool you guys could get your dad airplane tickets.....I remember how worried you get with him driving back and forth! I bet he was happy! I love over wrapping stuff.....I love to **** off my brother by making his gifts super hard to get to
Makes it so much more fun!! Hey don't worry about the 5lbs....it is so easy to go 5lbs here and there...Now about the arteries....I can't believe they make you wait for them to get worse....that just doesn't sound right
But hopefully everything turns out great!!! Take Care of yourself and have a GREAT holiday!