Hello everyone: Got the okay from the Dr. to start with soft foods. I cannot handle alot of them. It is hard to get my liquids in and protein in. I cannot stand the taste of Crystal Lite anymore and the protein stuff makes me want to
I like ice cold water and that is about it. I have alrady vomited from not chewing a small piece of ham enough, OMG the pain in my stomach. I can handle OJ, need that for my shakes I get, I try something once and it taste okay, but don't give it to me again as the thought of it is awful, I have lost 40lbs since starting the liquid diet two weeks before surgery and 20 of that since surgery. I am trying to exercise, (not much umf). I am sleeping good now at nite and can even sleep on my sides. My daughters Grad Party went terrific. I am so blessed to have such wounderful friends come in and do everything for me. I know this is something I just need to get through and hang in there. I just needed to talk with all of you. Happy Holidays to everyone. Later ladies & gents:

Hi Kathy,
Glad to hear you are doing pretty well & that the graduation party went well. I bet you're glad to have that behind you.
Concerning your food, are you aware that there are some really good documents on Dr Glas****'s website that will help you with your food decisions depending on where you are in the process? There is a very good one for 2-6 weeks out. You can find them at
Finding food that sits well can be a real challenge at this point & we all remember the days when food works well one day & not the next. It will get better, I promise. Just take it slow & remember to chew, chew, chew. I still struggle with that but especially early out, it is very important. It will prevent the pain & vomiting.
Good luck. Remember, it will get easier. Don't give up but also don't let yourself get too worried if you can't get in the recommeneded amount of protein right now. Just keep trying. You'll get there eventually.
Thanks for the web site Dixie. I do chew alot, except with that piece of ham. Tuna goes down like a lead sinker and sits there. I refuse to give up, every day I try something new to get in additional protein. I know it will get better. Its just been a long time since the two weeks before and to this date. Thanks for your words of wisdom.
Congratulations on your Daughters accomplishments. I am happy everything went well for you. Freinds are wonderful to have aren't they.
You may get your taste back for Crystal Lite later so don't give up on it. What protein drinks have you tried? I usually drink mine with frozen fruit mixed in with them. It makes it nice and cold and adds the flavor of the fruit. But of coarse you need to like fruit first. Or at first I blended it with Ice Cubes to make it go down easier. Food still goes down tough for me sometimes and I am a year out. I can like something one or 2 times then the next time I can't even get it to my mouth. I understand what you are saying. Take things slow and work up to them. My Dr. had me go on liquids for 24 hours after I
that would quiet my pouch down so I didn't
again the next time I tried to eat. I don't know if that will hel*****t. If you like peanut butter there are some protein balls you can make with peanut butter and oatmeal that will help you get your protein in. You are doing great with the weight loss so keep it up. Things do get better and easier to eat. Keep us informed how you are doing and let us know if we can help in someway. Have a Merry Christmas. Cindy G.

Thanks so much Cindy. I know this feeling will pass. I am just so weak and tired all the time. I do get in my vitamins daily and drink at least a liter of fluids. Somedays more and then somedays less. It is just going to take some time. I would love to get that peanut butter and oatmeal ball receipe if you have it. That would be good protein. I am drinking Isopure drinks adn a Whey protein to put with my food. Its just eating right now, I'm not interested. Dixie gave me an excellent site for Dr. G to help with food (Thank you so much Dixie for that). I am going to try some chicken tonite (chopped up really go that is) and maybe a part of a baked potato. We will see how that does. I thought about making some custard also. Take care to you and I will be in touch for sure.
Are you tolerating milk? If so, take 1 C skim milk, add 1/3 C non-fat powdered milk, and SF Nestle Quick to taste. Makes a nice shake that has a lot of protein in it. My program has us do 3 a day in the early stages. I still go back to that occassionaly when I have a grouchy pouchy or I'm just sick of meat. How about cottage cheese? That's my standby. Always goes down, never comes back up. You might also try chili. Sounds wicked, but it always has worked for me. I eat chili or cottage cheese almost every day for lunch.