14 days to baby!
14 more days ! The baby will be born by c-section on Dec 29!
I cannot wait! I have gained a total of 17 pounds now...not bad....they say it's a boy, but hubby still thinks it is a girl...it is still looking SO HIGH...like it is almost in my throat! LOL!!!
Everything is ready...now the weather just has to cooperate so we can GET to the hospital!!

Oh how exciting, a Christmas baby. You really have alot to celebrate this year don't you. I don't remember is this your first baby? I have such a bad memory. Which ever baby it is, they are always so special. They grow up so very fast. In a blink of an eye they are grown up, learning to sass you and you wonder who taught them to talk anyhow. Well enjoy and get plenty of rest this next 14 days, you will need it later. You have done a very good job with your weight also. I am impressed. Merry Christmas. Cindy G.