New but Old
I am new at posting on this site, but have been reading it for over 2 years. Last year at this time I was applying with my ins company for approval. I am covered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of IL. I was denied because I had not had monthly dr visits for weight loss for a year. So I have been going monthly to the dr and followed the program requested.
Several weeks ago I spoke to the person that files claims for Mercy Capitol and she told me she did not have much hope of my getting approved even if I followed the year of dr visits.
Does any one have any luck getting approved with BCBS if IL after a year of dr visits for weight lost.
Have you called other programs to see what there insurance dept have to say?? I didn't have BCBS, so can't be a particular help there.....but I know when I was researching my plastic surgery.....I would simply call the office and ask for the insurance billing dept and ask them if they can get my insurance to pay. You might wanna call around.....It is always worth the drive. Good luck and take care

Hi Susan,
I have Empire BCBS and I had absoulutely no problem getting approved. You need to have your chosen bariatric surgeon's office apply again. Be sure to call BC and talk to your case manager who is an RN. She will give you a case number. Have all your doctors reference that number and fax things directly to her. I think it really helps to be on speaking terms with them. Then they know you are a real person and not just a policy number. Ask her what they need for approval. Follow that to the T. Also have your PCP write a letter and fax that in. You should also write a letter telling them how being obese is severely affecting your life. I hope these suggestions may help.
Good Luck!