Just saying Hello
I agree with the others, but would like to add, follow what ever your Dr. says. I wished I would have written down some of what he told me because I forgot things. They tell you so much, its easy to forget. Or maybe I just forget easier than most. Also don't be afraid to call your Dr. with any and all questions afterward. They get paid to answer those questions and would rather you ask them than ignore something that could be important. Besides they have many helpers to answer questions if they are busy. If you get your mind set right before surgery you will have no problems with the journey. Good luck and keep posting. Cindy G.
Good luck to you, Melody. What a stressful time of year-- the holidays and surgery??!!
Remember to cough and deep breath to get your lungs back up to par after surgery. And walk
, walk
, walk
!! You will be off and running to the losing side in no time!
Take care and let us know how you do!
Nicole T.

Thank you for the wonderful advice. I am a little nervous- but more excited to get on with it! The holidays are a little stressful but fortunately I now know I am not alone in this. Someone asked me why I am having it so close to Christmas. After I thought a little about it I said " I guess I want to give me my life back this year". I guess I'll be keeping my New Year's resolution after all!!!! Happy Holidays!!!!